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Author: admin

The Raw and the Real

A holy discontent is arising in God’s people to see the ‘raw and the real’. They want to see the ‘real’ – the real love and power of God that leaves people and regions transformed. They want to see the ‘raw’ – where people are transparent and vulnerable in their journey with each other and […]
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Radical Obedience

In this time of transition for many to the next step of their destiny, God is challenging the mindsets and ways of His people in order to bring greater alignment with His ways and heart. He is calling His people to greater surrender and greater steps of obedience in order to position and prepare them […]
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A New Chapter Is Before You

I heard the Lord say, “A time of unprecedented change is before My people. A new chapter is before them.”   I then had a vision of heavenly books being opened. These books outlined the plans the Lord had for His people. Some books were for individuals, others were for ministries. As each book was […]
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Abundant Rain is Coming

The Lord gave me the following word which aligns with the story in 1 Kings 18 of the Lord sending rain on the land of Israel after a drought of 3 years. The Lord is changing the season and bringing abundant rain to break the ‘drought’ in the lives of individuals, families, ministries and regions. […]
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The Release of Boldness

Boldness for Realignment –   I heard the Lord say, “I am bringing great realignment to My church and to the nations. Much of the world has crept in to My church and I am bringing a cleansing, refining and a shaking. I am raising up many who will release My strategies to see realignment […]
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