Women Arise – It’s all about Transformation!
For the last few months the Lord has repeatedly been speaking to me about the importance of women arising and stepping into their destiny in God. I have felt a weighty significance of this time and the need for women to arise and take their place. The Lord has had me interceding for women to arise. Now more than ever before God is calling His daughters all around the world to arise as they have a pivotal role in the plans the Lord has for their sphere of influence as well as for the nations of the world.
Recently the Lord gave me revelation of the reason there is such a need for women to arise. One night I was woken by the Lord and I began praying and seeking God’s heart. Suddenly an angel appeared in my bedroom. I knew he had a message for me and I asked the Lord, “Why is the angel here? What message does he have for me?” The Lord said to me, “It’s all about transformation!” I had an immediate knowing that what I had been interceding for with regard to women arising was linked to transformation. I then heard the Lord say, “Watch what I will do in this hour as women arise. Now is the time, now is the time, now is the time to arise.” I felt the Lord’s heart that women awakening to the importance of their destiny and stepping into the purposes the Lord has for them is an important part of His plans for transformation of families, workplaces, regions and nations.
I then had three visions. In the first vision I saw multitudes of women with molds or casings around each of them. These casings were so constricting and they were preventing the women from moving freely. I noticed they were also bland and dull in colour. These casings were boxes society had placed them in and the lies and schemes of the enemy that had held back their advancement. They were also hindrances and chains that were restricting them due to the incorrect mindset they had of the importance of their destiny. I then saw a great shaking and rumbling in the earth. I could see the ground shaking with great force. Suddenly the casings around the women began to crack and break open. Casing after casing was breaking. As each casing broke open the woman originally bound by the casing arose and stood with such authority, grace, joy and boldness. As the restrictions and hindrances were breaking off, the women were arising and taking a stand. They were arising with a level of authority and freedom they had not known before. As they arose, they radiated with colour and life.
The Lord was showing me that multitudes of women across the world don’t know their true value or the importance of their destiny. They are restricted from walking in the fullness of the plans the Lord has for them as they have believed they are of little value and they don’t feel they have, or can have, much impact. The Lord is bringing a shaking to the body of Christ and this shaking will see multitudes of women arise. The shaking will remove mindsets and ways that are not in line with God’s plans or ways. As women arise they will have great impact in their sphere of influence and this movement of women arising with effect nations. The Lord showed me His daughters will begin to see themselves the way He sees them. They will walk in a new level of clarity and revelation. The words they speak will reflect the change of their heart and mind as they describe themselves and their destiny in words that emanate worth. They will realise the power of their prayers and intercessions. They will realise the importance of what God has entrusted to them. Their head knowledge that told them they were of value and their destiny was important was now becoming heart knowledge and this will ignite them to rise up in boldness to step into the next level of their destiny. The enemy’s tactics of instilling fear, worthlessness and discouragement will no longer have a hold on them as they will rise up in authority to overcome the enemy’s tactics.
In the second vision I saw multitudes of angels blowing trumpets. They were announcing a call from heaven for women to arise, know the importance of their destiny and step into their calling. All of heaven seemed to be involved in sounding the call. I felt the significance and urgency on the call as now is the time for women to arise. There is such a great expectation for the plans the Lord has in store. The enemy is terrified of women awakening to the importance of their destiny and rising up to take their place as he knows the impact this will have in the world. The enemy knows the transformation that will result.
In the third vision I saw some women with swords and these women had their swords held high and their swords were united. They were united in announcing the word of the Lord for women to arise. There was power in their united stand. They were united in carrying the Lord’s heart to see women arise. They had the same revelation on the significance of this time in history. Their desire was to raise up many other women to understand their identity and authority in Christ and to know the importance of their destiny. In the vision I saw multitudes of women rise up behind them, women of all ages and from nations around the world. The Lord was showing me that there will be women across the world who will proclaim the word of the Lord on women arising and these women will lead the way in raising up multitudes behind them as the tactics of the enemy that have held women back are exposed and the truth and God’s heart is revealed.
The Lord is calling women to arise to bring transformation to their families, workplaces, spheres of influence, region and nations. The rise of women will not be at the expense of men for as women flourish in the kingdom, men flourish too as they complement each other and both are needed. Every son and daughter needs to walk in the plans God has for them. Women are arising with a new level of boldness, perseverance and unwavering faith. Now is the hour that women are arising with an authority influence that will transform societies. The Lord is raising up passionate women filled with faith who can bring forth God’s purposes in the nations. These women will conceive the new move of God. If women begin to pray in accordance with God’s plan for their family, region of influence and nation, we will begin to see God’s plans manifest.
This is a time of awakening for women of God. The bible tells us of many women who transformed their world. Deborah was such a woman who was awakened to God’s purposes and was used as an agent of transformation. In Judges 4 we read of Deborah, Israel’s judge and prophet, who joined with Barak, Israel’s general, to defeat the Canaanites. Deborah accompanied Barak in accomplishing God’s purpose. Deborah brought restoration to her land. Warrior women are arising like Deborah for this significant time. We are also seeing women prepared and positioned like Esther. These are obedient women who are being positioned by God to have impact, advance God’s plan and overthrow the enemy.
Daughter of the King now is the time to arise. You are pivotal in God’s plan to transform your area for His kingdom. Arise in the power of His Spirit. Believe who you are in Christ and know the importance of your destiny. Exercise the unique gifts the Lord has given you and step into the calling on your life at this strategic time in history. Arise for this is your finest hour! It’s all about transformation!