Home What is in your hand?

What is in your hand?

Over the last few weeks I have heard the Lord ask this question – What is in your hand? I feel the Lord is wanting to awaken His people to use what He has entrusted to them; to use what He has placed in their hand. The Lord wants His people to see the magnitude and value of what has been entrusted to them and to step out in faith in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s direction. The Lord is breaking off fear and calling His people to focus their eyes steadfastly on Him as fear and distraction are things that have held them back from using what has been entrusted to them. God’s people are also being given spiritual sight to see what is in their hand and to realise the importance and impact they can have for the Kingdom if they would use what the Lord has entrusted to them.


The Lord says to the body of Christ, “Look at what I have placed in your hand. Realise that I have placed it in your hand. I have entrusted you with these gifts, abilities, influence and assignments. Look again and look with spiritual eyes at what is in your hands. See the plans and purposes I have for what is in your hand. Use what is in your hand and more will be given and entrusted to you. Use what is in your hand and you will be amazed at what unfolds before you and how I will use you to impact others and advance My Kingdom.”


The Lord then brought the story of Moses to my mind. Exodus 4:2-5 (NASB) – The LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” And he said, “A staff.” Then He said, “Throw it on the ground.” So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it. But the LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand and grasp it by its tail “- so he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand – “that they may believe that the LORD, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.”


“What is in your hand, Moses?” is the question God asked Moses out of the burning bush. It is what God said to Moses in response to his excuses about why he was not qualified to lead Israel out of slavery in Egypt. Moses was aware of his own weaknesses and he expressed fear about the call the Lord gave him to lead Israel out of bondage. By asking the question ‘What is in your hand?’ the Lord was showing Moses to look at what was right in front of him – a shepherd’s staff. God showed Moses that He could use this ordinary staff to perform miracles and bring glory to His name. God used what was in Moses’ hand to deliver the Israelites from Pharaoh, to part the Red Sea, to win a battle with the Amalekites and to bring water from a rock. God took what Moses had in his hand and used it exponentially to fulfill His purpose. For Moses, what was in his hand was a simple rod but God used it in a supernatural way to perform miracles through His servant Moses.


As we submit what is in our hands to be used for the glory of God, He uses those things we hold in our hands to touch the lives of others, advance His Kingdom and bring glory to His name. They may seem insignificant but they have the potential to be used in a mighty way for God. We see this many times in the bible. For example Sampson had a donkey bone to slay a thousand men, David had a sling and stones to defeat the mighty Philistine Goliath, and a boy had five loaves and two fish which Jesus used to feed thousands.


‘What is in your hand’ means whatever has been given or entrusted to you. This could be gifts, abilities, possessions, influence, assignments and more. There are many things we hold in our hand and if we allow God to use them, then He will multiply and enhance them for the cause of His Kingdom. We will never know the full potential of what we have until we surrender it to God allow God to have full control of it.


God equips us with all we need to fulfill the assignments He has for us. Ephesians 2:10 (NASB) – For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. God has a plan for each of us and wants us to use and steward well that which has been placed in our hands. The gifts we have been given are not for our own purposes but to serve others and use them for His purposes and plans. God releases more to those who have faithfully stewarded that which they have been entrusted with. The Lord is also reminding us that with the increase also comes a greater level of responsibility and accountability. 1 Peter 4:10 (NASB) – As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Luke 12:48 (NASB) – From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.


The enemy knows he can’t take away that which God has given but he does try to stop you from using what has been given to you. Your gifts and talents are yours from God but the devil desires to keep you from using them for His glory. The enemy also uses fear, discouragement and distraction to stop us from using what we have been given and stop us from taking up the assignments the Lord has for us. As was the case with Moses, sometimes fear can make us reluctant to step out as the Spirit leads. Moses feared the unknown until God assured him that He would be with him. God assures us He will be with us as well. Many times the very things God has given us to use for His glory get laid aside or hidden away because the enemy side-tracks the people of God. Another tactic of the enemy is to make the people of God feel that what is in their hand is insignificant or that they are not qualified to walk in the destiny the Lord has for them. The Lord showed me that He is breaking fear off the lives of people and His people are arising and stepping out with boldness into the plans He has for them. This is the time to advance with boldness and know that the Lord is with you.


In agreement with the word of the Lord, I declare in Jesus name that fear, anxiety, confusion and deception are broken off of you. You are now free from the hindrances that have prevented you from stepping out and into your calling. I pray for those the Lord is calling out in this hour, that He would give you clarity to understand what He has entrusted to you and wisdom to steward what He has placed in your hand.


Allow the Lord to reveal to you afresh what is in your hand. See the significance of what is in your hand and use what has been entrusted to you to impact the world around you.


The Lord is asking you – What is in your hand?