Today as I asked the Lord to share His heart I heard Him say, “The light is turning green! There are many who have been hidden and in a time of holding and preparation but I am changing the light to go! They are ones who have been purified in the fire and will now bring My love and power to the nations. They have their eyes fixed on Me and their identity is secure in Me.”


The Lord then showed me a vision of people sitting at His feet. There was a traffic light ahead of them and the light changed from yellow to green. I saw Jesus hand some people keys to new cars which were new ministries and assignments for the Kingdom. As they got in the car, there was such an acceleration as they drove away. I knew there was going to be a rapid acceleration into the new assignments God had for them.


I saw Jesus hand other people, who were also sitting at His feet, jigsaw puzzle pieces. These were the last pieces the people needed in order to see the picture come together. As they were handed the last pieces by Jesus, they pulled out the pieces they already had been given and excitedly put the last pieces into place. They had been tenderly holding on to the pieces they had been given in the past as they knew the Lord would reveal the other pieces in His perfect time. As the puzzle came together it showed the picture of the person’s God given dream or destiny. As they were given the last pieces, the Lord was telling them the light was turning to green on the promise He had given them and now is the time to step into the picture they saw formed on the puzzle.


I then heard the Lord say, “My people will see things suddenly ‘drop’ into place as they stay fixed on Me. They will go from being hidden in Me to being highlighted by Me as they allow Me to shine through them and allow My Spirit to blow through them.”


The bible tells us of many people who went through great times of preparation and process to prepare them for the plans God had for them. Joseph was prepared in the prison, Moses was trained in the desert and John the Baptist was prepared in the wilderness. I felt the people sitting at the feet of Jesus had been in a time of preparation and waiting on God. They were waiting for their God given dream or promise to be activated or to step into their next assignment in Him. The Lord is encouraging you to trust Him and His timing as the fulfillment of His plans are coming to pass. Romans 8:24 tells us that ‘waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting.’ Lamentations 3:25 says ‘The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him. When we are in a time of waiting or preparation, we are to actively seek Him. Join your heart to His as you wait on Him. Surrender to Him and hide yourself in His faithfulness. Psalm 25:4-5 says ‘Lord direct me throughout my journey, so I can experience your plans for my life. Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you. Escort me along the way, take me by the hand and teach me, for you are the God of my increasing salvation, I have wrapped my heart into yours.’


Continue to wait on Him and fix your eyes on Him. You have been refined in the fire and your area of influence is about to increase. The Lord is bringing you the keys and puzzle pieces you need to step into the fullness of all He has planned. The traffic light ahead is turning from yellow to green! You are moving from preparation to activation into the new assignments God has for you.