Home Take Up Your Assignment

Take Up Your Assignment

We are in a time where the Lord is releasing new assignments to many people as He is advancing His plans in the earth in an accelerated way. Many are having increased encounters with angels and ministering with angels in an increased way as they have been deployed to assist with the assignments the Lord is releasing to His people at this time.


I saw angels delivering briefcases to God’s people and the cases contained assignments from the Lord for this time. Some people had multiple briefcases delivered to them as the Lord was calling them to take up multiple new assignments. Inside the briefcases were scrolls and blueprints. These were detailed strategies and revelation relating to the assignments they had been given. I had an understanding that the Holy Spirit would reveal the scrolls and blueprints at the perfect time and in many cases, the revelation would unfold over time, so parts of the blueprints would be given initially and then more revelation would come later as it was needed.


Jeremiah 33:3 (NASB) –Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.


The assignments and the strategies for the assignments are in many cases new as the Lord is leading His people into new areas or extending and stretching them in ways they have not been stretched before. There is a need in this time, like never before, for the people of God to step out in obedience and faith on the direction of the Holy Spirit. It is a time to only follow God and not be in fear of man.


The Holy Spirit is also gathering and aligning people with the same vision and mandate. They are standing in unity to see their mandate from the Lord accomplished. Those with similar assignments are aligning and partnering and this is causing increased and accelerated kingdom impact. The Lord is wanting to remove walls and barriers that have separated His people in the past. He is calling His people to a greater level of unity.


I then saw that there were some people who didn’t take up the briefcases that were delivered to them. I saw the Holy Spirit prompting them to pick up the cases but some people left the cases and chose not to pick them up. In those instances I saw the angels come and deliver the briefcases to others. I felt the Lord was highlighting that in this strategic season, it is important to take up the assignments He is offering. If we don’t accept His invitation for the new He wants us to step into, He will release the assignment to someone else who will take it up and steward what they have been given.


I also saw that in many cases, the people were receiving an ‘upgrade’ in the briefcase they were given. The Lord was showing me that He is releasing assignments of greater authority and influence to those who have faithfully completed previous assignments they have been given. God releases more to those who have faithfully stewarded that which they have been entrusted with. The Lord is also reminding us that with the increase also comes a greater level of responsibility and accountability.


Luke 12:48 (NASB) – From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.


Boldness, obedience, faith and discernment will be needed in this season. The Lord gives us divine assignments or specific tasks to fulfill, as well as an over-arching destiny. The Lord is calling us to boldly step out in obedience and take up the new assignments He is releasing. The Lord is releasing an increase in faith to take hold of the new assignments and strategies He is revealing. Discernment will also be important to ensure we are only taking up assignments the Lord has for us. Discernment in knowing which assignments to carry in this hour will be needed. For each season of your life, there are priorities that the Lord gives you for that season. It’s time to tune in and receive the priority assignments from Heaven for this very season of your life. God has prepared us for this time and He will equip us with all we need for the assignment including spiritual gifts, anointing, resources, provision and alignments. We each have a purpose and the Lord gives us the authority to fulfill that purpose.


Ephesians 2:10 (NASB) – For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.