In worship I felt the Lord say, “Pursue Me and know Me. I long for my people to pursue Me for as they hunger after more of Me I reveal more of Myself and My ways and they come to know who I am and who they are in Me.” I felt such a longing of the Lord in these words. I felt the great desire of the Lord for His people to hunger after Him so that He may reveal His nature to them, they may experience His presence and they would come to a real knowing in their spirit of who He really is. They would also know their identity in Christ which would bring such freedom and purpose.


As we pursue God, our hunger to know Him more increases. This hunger fuels our desire to read the word, worship and encounter His presence. Our desire to humble ourselves, be transformed into His likeness, be used by Him and to be a vessel for His glory also increases. God wants us to really know and experience the fact He is a good Father. God works all things for our good (Romans 8:28).


Knowing your identity in Christ comes from knowing Him which comes from pursuing Him and the things above. The more we pursue Him, the more we are changed into His likeness and the more we will walk in His power and authority.