On assignment with Jesus – unlocking God’s plan for the nation of Australia
Australia is at a ‘tipping point’ in the spirit and the Lord is aligning and unlocking this nation to bring about His plans. God wants Australia to align with Israel and for an outpouring of His glory and a great move of God to sweep this nation. He wants His people to intercede for the prophetic words that have been released over this nation and partner with Him to see them come to pass.
I have just completed an intercession assignment around the nation of Australia and it was such a powerful time. I was shown so much in the week on assignment with the Lord but I wanted to outline the summary of what I was shown. This is a significant time in the history of this nation.
The assignment –
The assignment the Lord gave me was to intercede for the nation, unlock God’s plan, bring divine alignment, bring down strongholds and light the fire in the nation. I was to fly to 7 cities around the nation in 7 days and visit Parliament House in each of the cities. I was to perform a prophetic act of placing the Australian, New Zealand and Israeli flags in the ground at each Parliament House. This act was to signify the alignment of Australia and New Zealand with Israel. The Lord sees Australia and New Zealand as linked in the spirit due to our ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) heritage. I was also to perform a prophetic act of digging in the dirt to re-dig the wells of our spiritual heritage in aligning with Israel. The year 2017 is the 100th anniversary of the battle at Beersheba in World War 1. The ANZACs volunteered to advance on Beersheba, which was under Turkish occupancy, and they were the ones to liberate Beersheba which ultimately led to the liberation of Israel from Islamic control. As the spiritual wells are re-dug and the nations align with Israel, they will be blessed by God, as is His promise (Numbers 24:9, Genesis 12:3 – Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed).
The next phase of the assignment is to go to 3 cities in New Zealand and complete the same assignment and intercession there to pray for the north and south islands and the parliament. This will be a total of 10 cities across the two countries. The flags will then be taken to Israel in October on the anniversary of the battle of Beersheba and placed in the ground in Beersheba to complete the prophetic act of alignment of the nations.
At each location I walked around the perimeter of parliament house and declared the region for Jesus. I repented for the iniquities of the state and prayed for an open heaven over the state. I prayed for healing over the land and a move of God to impact the region. I prayed for alignment with kingdom ways. I took authority against schemes of the enemy that had risen in each state. I also prayed for strongholds to be brought down that were highlighted to me at each location. I bound spirits that the Lord revealed to me and I released angels on assignment to bring God’s plan to pass for the region. I released warrior angels and revival angels. I unlocked the region in the spirit and prayed the region would be ignited with the glory of God.
Authority for the assignment –
Before going on the assignment the Lord had given me a vision of my handprint as the key to unlocking a vault. In the vault was revelation for the nation. I also had a vision of a seal or branding on my chest of the lion of the tribe of Judah. At each location around the nation as I put my hand on the ground and prayed for the unlocking of each region I saw in the spirit that as I lifted my hand up off the ground, it left an image of a lion, not my handprint. The Lord was encouraging me that He had given me authority to undertake this assignment. This was in agreement with previous prophetic words over me that the Lord had given me kingdom keys and authority to unlock regions around me.
Heavenly assistance –
Each time I got on a plane to go to a new location I would see angels on the plane. I would also see angels in each of the locations I travelled to. There were more angels in some locations than others. The Lord also sent me two lions which were heavenly creatures and they stayed with me until I returned home.
Words for the nation –
While on this trip I had an encounter with the angel of Australia. I have previously met this angel and at that time he showed me a page out of the book of Australia. The angel of Australia appeared to me and gave me a piece of paper that had been folded many times so it would fit in the palm of my hand. As I took the piece of paper it suddenly unfolded and became a huge page of paper. The angel also gave me a microchip which he placed in my hand. I asked the Lord why the angel was sent to me and He said the angel was to show me the next page in the book of Australia; he was to show me God’s plan for the nation. The Lord showed me a vision of a canopy over the nation of Australia. The canopy was holding a thick golden substance which I knew was the glory of God. I asked the Lord what will release the canopy over the nation and He showed me seeds in the ground. These seeds were prophetic words that had been released concerning His plans for the nation. I noticed some seeds were on top of the ground and no one had ever nurtured them. Some others had been planted but again they had not been adequately nurtured. I then saw people begin to nurture the seeds and water them. The Lord showed me other people who re-dug the seeds that had laid dormant. The seeds began to sprout and grow. The Lord was highlighting previous words for the nation and people began nurturing these by interceding for them and standing in faith to see them come to pass. I then saw the sun intensely shining on these plants that were growing and the plants were growing rapidly. These plants were growing all over the nation and they began to touch the canopy of glory that was over the nation. The people were crying out to God to transform the nation and heal their land. I then looked to the corners of the canopy and I saw an angel was holding a cord on each corner of the canopy. On each corner there was a watch. At the appointed time, when the plants hit the canopy, the angels released the cords that were holding back the golden substance. At that moment the glory of God was released in a burst across the nation. It was like glory rain but was thick as it was the weighty presence of God. I felt Australia is at a ‘tipping point’ in the spirit and God is calling intercessors to partner with the prophetic in a powerful way to bring transformation. He is calling intercessors to take up the prophetic words and intercede to see God’s plan for this nation manifested.
I also saw fire down the eastern seaboard of Australia and water over the western side to heal the land. The Lord told me that just as Australia is known as the ‘sunburnt land’ it will be known as the ‘glory branded land’ as the glory of God will leave a lasting mark on this nation.
Words for regions –
Queensland: This was my first location and as I performed the prophetic act of placing the flags in the ground at Parliament House I had an instant feeling that I needed to vomit. I saw in the spirit a huge demon behind me. I told the demon, “You have no power over me,” and the vomiting feeling immediately went. After this experience I realised the importance in the spirit of the assignment the Lord had for me to complete as the spiritual resistance was intense. When praying over the state of Queensland the Lord showed me waves of glory hitting the shores of the state and rolling in over the state. A move of God is coming to the state and will move from east to west. Just as Queensland is known as the ‘sunshine’ state in the natural, so the state will be known to shine with the glory of God. The Lord also showed me disunity between the northern and southern parts of the state and I felt strongly to intercede for unity over the state. I released angels to guard the ‘east gate’ of Australia.
Australian Capital Territory: The Lord told me to decree Isaiah 60:1 over the nation – that the nation would arise and shine with the glory of God. The Lord showed me He is calling the nation to purity and righteousness. He also showed me He wants to revive the land – revive the spiritual heritage of the ANZAC’s and revive the land through a move of His Spirit. I prayed in each area of parliament house and I interceded for the nation. When I was on the rooftop of Parliament House I saw four demons on the poles that connect to the Australian flag on top of the building. The Lord told me these were the spirits influencing the nation and they were the spirit of deception, the spirit of religion, the spirit of politics and the spirit of witchcraft. I bound these spirits and took authority over them. In the spirit I took the sword of the Spirit that I was holding and plunged it into the ground and as I did this I saw a vision of the ground breaking open in all directions. The Lord led me to the souvenir shop at Parliament House and there He highlighted commemoration coins to me. These were coins commemorating this year as the 25th anniversary of the Mabo decision in Australia which was when the Australian High court recognised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders should have rights to the land as the traditional owners of the land. In this year of celebrating land rights, the Lord wanted to use this occasion to ensure His name is lifted high and He is declared as the owner and King of the land of Australia. The Spirit of God told me I needed to declare and decree that Jesus is King over Australia and this nation and land belongs to Him. I decreed that warriors from this nation would arise to take their position in His army.
New South Wales & Victoria: Just as the gold rush occurred in these states, so too the Lord showed me these states would be known for the glory of God breaking out in regions and people would rush to places where the power of God and a move of His Spirit is evident. Also the Lord showed me a vision of bushfires breaking out across the states. Just as bushfires have occurred in the natural in these regions, so too these states will be known for rushing waves of glory sweeping across regions of the states like a bushfire. In Victoria I had a vision of fog over the state which the Lord told me was confusion and deception. I heard the Lord say, “Just like the weather changes so rapidly in this region, so too people are easily swayed and influenced due to the spirit of confusion.” I bound the spirit of deception and confusion. In the spirit I saw a huge snake through the city of Melbourne and the Lord told me it was the spirit of leviathan and I was to crush the head of the snake with my heel which I did. I took authority over the spirits the Lord had highlighted to me and over every work of the enemy.
Tasmania: In a vision I saw fiery arrows were being sent from Victoria over to Tasmania and Tasmania was lighting up with the glory of God. It was like the bushfire jumped across the Tasman Sea with the wind of the Spirit to the state of Tasmania. I felt there was a link in the spirit between Victoria and Tasmania. The Lord showed me that just as there are natural, pure springs in Tasmania, the Lord is raising up those who are pure in heart. Those with purity of heart and those who walk in righteousness will rise up just like springs of water. Mt Wellington’s profile looking at it from the side looks like someone who is sleeping and while in Tasmania I felt the Lord wanted me to decree and declare an awakening in the state. I felt a strong sense that the people of God needed to be awakened to their authority and identity in Christ and the importance for them to take their position in the army the Lord is raising up in these last days.
South Australia: As I was walking across the tarmac to board the plane to Adelaide, I saw the lions with me were leaping about and seemed to be so joyful and excited about the day ahead. When at Parliament House I felt the Lord wanted me to release joy over the state and to declare the state would be known for the joy of the Lord abounding there. The state is known as the ‘festival’ state in the natural but I felt the Lord wanted it to be known as a celebration atmosphere due to the joy of the Lord. The lions were roaring over the parliament and I released warrior angels over the land and declared the rising up of warriors of the Lord in the state. I saw angels releasing fire arrows into the parliament building and I saw many angels around the top of Parliament House and some were blowing trumpets. I felt the angels were announcing a new season in this region. The lions gave me a key in the spirit and I knew I was to do a prophetic act of burying this key in the ground where I had placed the flags in the ground which I did. I believe South Australia is a strategic state for the unlocking of God’s plan for the nation. I was also led to go into a building in Adelaide which I later found out was town hall. I went to one room in that building and every wall of the room was covered with information about the injustices of the past to the indigenous people of Australia. There was information on the stolen generations. I felt such a deep sadness there and I knew the Lord had led me there as I needed to repent on behalf of the nation for what had occurred in the past so reconciliation and healing could come.
Western Australia: I saw an angelic army on top of the plane on my flight to Perth. The Lord showed me the state was covered in dark bats. He led me to do a prophetic act at Parliament House of setting a trap for the bats. I then saw the bats being sucked into the trap and the door shut tight on them. I bound the spirits over the land. I then saw a huge eagle over the state. I felt the Lord was showing me that He is going to remove the darkness and bring spiritual sight. I saw a large crow at the top of Parliament House and the Lord told me to do a prophetic act of shooting the crow in the spirit. I felt the crow was blocking the sight of the government. I was shown that Western Australia, Northern Territory and North Queensland have particularly entrenched aboriginal spiritual curses on the land. I broke the curse over the land in these regions and prayed for healing of the land and I then had a vision of heavenly rain healing the land. I released angels down the west coast of Australia to guard the ‘west gate’ of Australia. I prayed for a heavenly shield to protect the state and saw a huge, golden shield appear over the state. Western Australia is known as the ‘wildflower’ state in the natural and I declared that the state will be one where God’s abundance and grace will abound. As I did this I had a vision of wildflowers sweeping the state and the hand of God could be seen over the state. I declared a rising up of intercessors to partner with God’s plan.
Northern Territory: As I was getting dressed for the day, I had a vision of myself wearing a ball gown which looked like royal robes and I felt I was attending a royal gala ball. I felt the Lord was showing me today was the culmination of His plan and the celebration day of the assignment He had given me. As I boarded the flight to Darwin I saw the whole sky was full of angels. I felt God had released more angels for this last day of the assignment. When I arrived in Darwin I felt the spiritual atmosphere was very dark. I felt the land was cursed and under spiritual bondage. The Lord spoke to me and said, “Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment?” (Isaiah 66:8). I also heard the Lord say, “It’s show time!” I knew He was telling me that this was going to be a significant day in the spirit. I felt everything had been building to this day of the assignment and the stage was set for God’s plan to break out. On the way to the Northern Territory the Lord gave me dozens of scriptures and statements I was to declare and decree over the nation. When in Darwin He led me to speak these out over the waterfront. I took authority over the schemes of the enemy and broke all chains of bondage and any curses over the land. I sent angels to guard the ‘north’ gate of the nation.
Centre of Australia/ Uluru: The Lord showed me that after I had completed each location and unlocked the nation in intercession I then, as the last part of the assignment, needed to ‘light the fire’ in Uluru, sparking God’s plan for the nation and claiming the nation for Jesus. In a vision I saw angels lining a runway from Darwin to Uluru and they were showing me the way. I felt the weighty presence of God as I went in a vision to Uluru. I performed a prophetic act of plunging the sword of the spirit into heart of the nation. As I did this I saw a burst of rainbow coloured electricity and light flow out in all directions. I also saw a shaking roll out across the land and a sonic boom sound released from heaven that impacted the nation. Heavenly rain fell and I saw the land begin to change and healing and life come to the land. I felt such a peace and a shift occur in the spirit.
Summary –
I believe the Lord had me complete this assignment as it is His desire for Australia and New Zealand to re-dig their spiritual heritage and align with Israel. This year is a strategic year in the spirit for these nations. The Lord is raising up warriors in the nation who know their authority in Him and who will bring down strongholds. They are united in the same mandate from heaven to partner with God to see a move of the Spirit in this nation and to see the fire of God fall. God is uniting His prophets and intercessors in a powerful way to bring His plans to pass, advance His kingdom and bring down strongholds of the enemy. God is calling people to nurture the prophetic words that have been released for this nation and intercede for them to come to pass. The decrees and prayers of His people will bring transformation. A great move of God is coming to Australia and when it does His glory will be seen and healing will come to the nation.