Home November – No more Delay!

November – No more Delay!

I heard the Lord say, “This is the month where I am decreeing ‘No more delay!” As He spoke this to me it was in a booming voice of great authority. There was a shaking and a shifting in the spirit realm as the words were released. The Lord spoke again and said, “I’m not finished yet. Surely I WILL bring to pass what I have started so look for greater divine opportunities and open doors to begin to open. Look for me to unlock things around you in order to bring alignment and momentum for what is ahead.”



No more Doubt


I was given this word on November 11th at 11:11am and the scripture from Hebrews 11:11 resounded in my spirit as I received this word. (Hebrews 11:11 – By faith, Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised).


I heard the Lord say, “Rise up in faith and expectant hope, knowing I will bring to pass ALL I have spoken. Cast off every doubt, release all discouragement and align with My word for this hour.”


There are many who have been waiting for the fullness of the promises of God to manifest in their lives and in their families, ministries and regions and some of these promises seem impossible in the natural. The Lord is encouraging His people to rise up in faith, knowing with Him all things are possible and He will complete what He has started. You may have seen the first signs or first steps of the outworking of the promise but now you will see the Lord begin to open more doors. The Lord is encouraging you not to settle for part of the promise but to believe for the fullness.


Matthew 19:26 (ESV) – But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


No more Hope Deferred


I then heard Him say, “I am restoring and renewing hope in My people which will refresh them and renew their strength. As hope is renewed, they will abound in peace and they will walk the path with joy as they have confidence in the One ordering their steps and aligning the path before them. Their hope will no longer be deferred as I am giving them eyes to see what I am calling them to steward and I am opening doors as a sign of the fullness of the promise that is yet to come.”


The Lord is calling His people to look with faith filled eyes but also expectant hope for great are the plans He has prepared for you. Many have lost hope in the time of waiting and in the process to the promise but the Lord is increasing your vision for the path ahead and through this He is renewing your hope. As this occurs you will stand in His strength and peace, unmoved by what you see but filled with excitement and joy for all you know He will unfold in the time to come.


Romans 15:13 (TPT) – Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continuously surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!


Proverbs 13:12 (ESV) – Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.


Don’t Delay


The Lord is going to align the path and continue to unfold this chapter in our destiny but we must take the necessary steps. I heard Him say, “In order to see no more delay, My people must not delay in stewarding what I have given them. As they take the first step on the leading of My Spirit, more steps will be revealed. I desire to see if they will be obedient and faithful in the small steps before I bring the larger ones. As they take the small steps, small doors will open which will lead to larger doors and larger steps which will lead to greater and greater acceleration and alignment into all I have planned for 2020. I am not looking for delayed obedience, but swift obedience.”


Isaiah 30:21 (ESV) – And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.


Galatians 5:25 (ESV) – If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.


No more Disturbance


I then heard the Lord say, “The enemy has tried to derail the plans I have for My people but I am clearing the path. He has tried to distract and deceive them. There will no longer be disturbance and confusion over the path, for instead My people will see clearly as this is the time where I am making the path straight and confirming the way. They will see Me remove blockages and hindrances from their path and bring alignment. I am cancelling the interference of the enemy. When this occurs, My people will step out with boldness on the path set before them.”


Dispatch of Details


In a vision I saw the Lord releasing angels from heaven to God’s people and they were carrying envelopes containing revelation on the details of the assignments the people had been given. The revelation contained detailed information on the next step the people were to take. I could see this revelation was like a key that when acted upon, would unlock the next door in the destiny of the person who was given the envelope. The revelation was the divine strategy of God for this time. The revelation was in the detail of these immediate steps, not in the big picture of the assignment, for the big picture was already known by the people. The Lord has heard the cries of His people to know the strategy for this hour and He is sending angels of revelation at this time so His people may be rightly aligned and positioned to walk in the fullness He has planned for them in 2020.


Decree No More Delay


The Lord spoke to me again and said, “Align with the decree from heaven and decree alignment, an open door and no more delay. Allow My Spirit to roar through you for now is the time to release your sound. Realise the power of decree and the power of My word for My word does not return void and it accomplishes all that I desire. I am breaking off delay as this is the time for unlocking, alignment and forward motion in preparation for 2020.”


Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV) – So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.


Job 22:28 (ESV) – You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; and light will shine on your ways.