This morning I watched rolling storm clouds move over our property and I felt the Lord say, “What do you see in the storm? There are many who see only the storm when they look at their surroundings but what do you see? Do you see My light piercing the storm?”


I then asked the Lord what He was wanting to say to His people and I heard Him say, “You are hidden in Me. You can have peace and hope in the storm when you know you are hidden in Me. Fix your eyes on Me and let your surroundings fall away. Fix your thoughts on heavenly truths.”


I feel the Lord is calling His people to greater faith. With great faith we can find peace in the storm as we know Jesus is with us and we are hidden in Him. Our strength is found in the Lord. As we look up and turn our thoughts to heavenly realities, our situations and surroundings fall away as all we see is the fact we are hidden in Him. As we lean on Jesus and rest in Him we find peace that transcends understanding.


I felt there are some who are in a storm but the Lord is encouraging you to see with eyes of faith and heavenly perspective. Trust in Him as He is fighting for you – piercing the darkness and calming the storm. Rest in the presence of the Lord and allow Him to speak to your heart and soul. He will refresh and strengthen you and fill you with His hope, peace and love.


Colossians 3:2-3 (TPT): Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm. Your crucifixion with Christ has severed the tie to this life, and now your true life is hidden away in God as you live within the Anointed One.