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Heaviness will give way to Harvest

Many of God’s people are standing in the gap and interceding for God’s plans at this time. They are carrying individual, family, regional or national burdens in intercession that the Lord has placed on their hearts. The Lord is encouraging His people to press in because as they carry the burden in intercession it will give way to a mighty harvest.


I had a dream where I was heavily pregnant. I was in the final stages of pregnancy and was soon to give birth. The baby I was carrying was so large, much larger than seemed humanly possible, and I was feeling such heaviness in my body from carrying the baby. I noticed my stomach was enormous and I remember asking myself, “How will I birth this baby?” I noticed I was also wearing a golden ring that had the symbol of the lion of the tribe of Judah on it.


I felt the Lord was showing me that the ring in the dream represented the fact He has given authority for His people to partner with Him in prayer by carrying and birthing, or bringing to fulfillment, His plans and promises. Many people are feeling the weightiness of the burden they are carrying in intercession. In the natural it seems impossible that what they are interceding for could come to pass but the Lord is encouraging His people that He is faithful to bring His promises to pass. He is calling on His people to press in at this time in prayer. There is a need to be persistent in prayer and push through to bring spiritual breakthrough. His people will also have such a heart for the burden they are carrying. Just as a mother loves the unborn baby she carries, so the Lord’s intercessors have such a heart for the burden they carry in prayer – whether it be their family, workplace, region or the nations.


I heard the Lord say, “Many have answered My call to stand in the gap and stand for My plans and purposes. I am calling more of My people at this time to answer My call. I am releasing specific burdens for them to intercede and stand for. My angelic army are waiting for My word to go forth. They are activated on the prayers of My people as they align with My word. The intercession of My people will give way to a mighty harvest.”


The Lord then said, “If they could only see the impact of their prayers. If My people could only see into the spirit realm and see the shift that occurs as their prayers of authority are released.” At that time the Lord showed me a vision of His people praying and as they did there was a shift in the spirit realm. Angels were sent on assignment and there was so much activity in the heavenly realm. There was also a shaking across the earth and hard ground was breaking open. The Lord was showing me that there is a change in the earthly realm following a change in the spiritual realm when His people pray in line with His will.


I also saw intercessors forming a wall around regions and nations as they stood together in prayer. As they took up the burden the Lord had given them in prayer they were being added to the wall and this wall was a wall of fortification around the region. As the intercessors united the wall was building and growing in strength. The wall became a hedge of protection around the region. I then noticed the wall radiated light. The light was radiating in all directions and was piercing the darkness. Not only were the intercessors forming a wall, they were also a shield of light that was impacting the region and bringing down strongholds over the land.


In the bible God searched for those willing to fight the spiritual battle for their land. In Ezekiel 22:30 (NASB) God says, “I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land.” The Lord is still calling people to stand in the gap for their families, regions and nation. Through intercession we can take the offensive in the spiritual battle.


Intercession is where we receive a burden from the Lord for a specific situation and knowing His will, we pray through until we receive breakthrough or a lifting of the burden. There are different levels of intercession that the Lord may take us into and these will be according to our obedience and faith at His leading. In Daniel chapter 9 we see an example of what happens when we hear the word of the Lord and intercede for it to come to pass. Daniel read the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet that there would be seventy years for the completion of the desolations of Jerusalem after which time the city would be rebuilt. As the seventy years had come, Daniel sought the Lord and interceded for Israel and the city of Jerusalem to be restored. We read that the angel Gabriel visits Daniel and tells him the command was issued at the beginning of Daniel’s supplication. God moved on Daniel’s intercession as Daniel took hold of the word of the Lord and interceded for it to come to pass. True intercessors bear a sense of burden and responsibility. Intercessory prayer is prayer that presses on until we feel a release in the spirit; until we achieve spiritual breakthrough of the burden we are carrying.


Prayer warriors and intercessors – the Lord is calling you to take up the burden He is giving you and to stand in the gap. You will discern the enemy’s strategies and will come against and abort them. You will know the will and plan of the Lord and will intercede for it to come to pass. You will be given divine strategies on how and what to pray and will be given great spiritual sight on what is happening in the spirit realm. You will have a heart and passion for the burden you carry in intercession and your passion will cause others to rise up in prayer. You will be determined to remain at your post and will be persistent and fervent in prayer. You will understand that persistent prayer is needed for breakthrough. You will have great authority in the spirit as you pray for the burden you carry. You will pierce the darkness with light and bring down enemy strongholds. Your prayers will impact the spirit realm and bring change to the natural realm.


Your intercession will give way to a mighty harvest!