Home Heavenly Crescendo!

Heavenly Crescendo!

There is such a building, intensification and acceleration occurring in the spirit right now and this will continue to build in the coming few months. Many people of God will see a momentum and acceleration in the coming months into the plans the Lord has for them as the Lord aligns and positions people into the next step of their destiny. There is a crescendo building in the spirit for what the Lord has prepared for the later part of this year.


I heard a heavenly sound in the spirit. It was a heavenly crescendo! The sound was increasing in volume and beat and was building and escalating. This heavenly sound carried excitement, purpose and intensity. The Lord was showing me the sound of the building and acceleration that is occurring in the spirit realm. There is an excitement and an expectation for what lies ahead. Many people of God are going to experience a crescendo in the coming months which will lead to a release into the next step the Lord has for them. The definition for crescendo is ‘a progressive increase in intensity’. The past months have been building a platform for the launch into the next level the Lord has for His people. There will be accelerating momentum in the coming months and there will be rapid change and advancement. Many will see the promises God has given them come to life quickly and in surprising ways. Many will see the Lord do abundantly more than they could ask, think or imagine as they allow His power to work in and through them.


The Lord also showed me a vision of huge golden puzzle pieces. I could see many pieces had already clicked into place and these pieces, positioned together in perfect alignment, had formed a golden path. The people of God were walking on this golden path. Their steps were ordered by the Lord and He was working all things together for their good. The people of God couldn’t see very far ahead but they had faith in God and knew He was faithful to bring the promises that He had given them to pass. Psalm 37:23 (NASB) – The steps of a man are established by the LORD, and He delights in his way. Romans 8:28 (NASB) – And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Hebrews 10:23 (NASB) – Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.


The puzzle pieces were golden in colour as every piece had God’s covering and handprint on it as each one was positioned by Him. As I looked at the golden puzzle pieces coming into place at this time I had a sense these were very strategic pieces. They appeared to be huge in size because they had mighty significance. The pieces that were being laid at this time were very strategic for what was to come and would form the platform for the path into the next level the Lord had planned for people. These pieces were strategic in so many ways and as they clicked into place they brought divine connections, closing of things of the old season to allow release into the new, divine alignment and divine opportunities.


I could also see angels were bringing the next pieces of the puzzle into place for the path ahead. They had been sent on assignment to align the path ahead of the people of God. The Lord then told me to watch as the coming golden puzzle pieces were positioned into place. As this occurred, a heavenly sound was released and I saw angels blowing trumpets. The heavenly sound was the key that unlocked doors that were positioned on the golden path. These doors represented the new season and the next level the people of God were going to step into in their destiny. The angels were announcing the new season and there was such excitement as the trumpets sounded. The heavenly sound was the ‘crescendo’ moment people had been waiting for. This was the time when the pieces had come into place and the release into the new season had arrived. The people of God had experienced acceleration and momentum and they were now stepping into the next level in their destiny.


The Lord wants to encourage you that although you may not see what is ahead, this is a strategic time of positioning and alignment and key pieces on the path to the release into the next level are coming into place. This is a time to trust in the Lord and in His faithfulness. There will be much acceleration and momentum in the months ahead. The Lord has gone before you to prepare the way and angels have been sent on assignment to bring things into alignment. There is a heavenly crescendo building in the spirit and at the perfect time the door/s to release you into the next level of your destiny will appear. It may be in a way you don’t expect so you will need to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It will also be necessary to use discernment and to pray into doors that open as not every open door is from the Lord. It will be a time of great expansion and rapid advancement. It many ways it will be greater than what you could ask, think or imagine.


At the start of 2017, as I prayed into the year, I heard the Lord say, “It will be an Ephesians 3:20 year. It will be a year of increase, upgrade and acceleration. Get ready for the ride!” I believe the coming months we will see an amplification of this. I believe many will see God work in ways beyond what they ask, think or imagine if they allow Him to work through them and stay yielded to Him and obedient to His leading. Get ready for an exciting ride in the coming months as the last strategic, golden puzzle pieces come into place for the release into the new season of your destiny.