The Lord sometimes speaks to me through numbers and for many months I have been seeing the same numbers in succession (in a line) when I go to look at the clock. For example 111, 222, 333, 555. This will sometimes happen multiple times a day. I believe the Lord is bringing things into alignment spiritually. I believe we are coming into a time where we will see the unfolding of God’s purposes and plans for us and we will step into these as He causes things to fall into alignment at His perfect time. I believe many people will see God’s purposes for them unfold and they will be surprised by how things ‘come together’.


After I started seeing numbers in a row I then started seeing those same number sequences but with a zero in the middle. For example 101, 202, 505 etc. The Lord spoke to me through this and said that things would fall into alignment but this would occur from a point of rest on our behalf, not from a position of striving or making things happen in our own strength. Resting on God is an active choice and one of trusting in Him and His perfect timing. To rest in God means to submit to Him and yield all. We need to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10) and to know that God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9). As we trust in God and fix our mind on Him we are surrounded by perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). If we trust in the Lord with all our heart and do not lean on our own understanding, and acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will make our paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).


From a point of rest we can do our part in seeing God’s plans come to pass by having faith that God is faithful to fulfil His promises and by submitting all to Him. We can declare we will step into our destiny in Christ and our spiritual inheritance (as this is God’s will for us). Decreeing His will establishes His purposes. We can decree what lines up with scripture and we can trust in Him to see it come to pass. As we speak the Word of the Lord, it activates angels to fight for us as they are assigned to see His Word come to pass. We can ask God to bring things into alignment so we can walk into the fullness of all He has planned for us.


Let’s stand with the Lord in seeing Him bring things into alignment this year.