Home God is turning the page and opening a new chapter in your story and destiny

God is turning the page and opening a new chapter in your story and destiny

I heard the Lord say, “I am turning the page. Don’t look to the things of the past but look with expectancy to all I will open to you. I am turning the page on your last season and opening a new chapter to you. What has previously been closed to you will now be opened. This new chapter will carry My breath, My fingerprint and My mark for it has been written by My hand and will be brought to life by My Spirit.”

Caution to leave behind the old –

“The new chapter will not look like the last or the ones of old. I am warning My people they must leave behind all that has hindered them in order to embrace what I have for them. In the turning of the page there is a laying down that must take place, a laying down of incorrect mindsets and all that robs the path of promise. In the turning of the page, I am healing wounds and disappointments of the last season for the new season is one of life and liberty.”

God’s breath will bring to life that which looked dead –

“What will come to pass will be by My breath. This will be the chapter or era marked by My breath for My breath will bring to life that which looked dead. Open your mouth and speak forth My word of prophesy on the leading of the Spirit. My word does not return void but accomplishes all it is sent forth to fulfill. I watch over My word to perform it. My breath is bringing promises to life. Watch My breath breathe life on dry bones. The seed of My word has gone forth and now is the hour for My breath to activate the seed.”

Isaiah 55:11 (ESV) – so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

Jeremiah 1:12 (ESV) – Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it.”

“Have eyes to see the new chapter. Ask Me for revelation on what is written on these pages of life and destiny. Look for what My breath is bringing to life for these things are aligned with My plans and purposes. The areas I fan into flame are areas that carry My fingerprint.”

A turning of the page moment –

“Many are in the very hour of the turning of the page. The season of old is closing and the new one is at hand. Wait for it for it will be here very soon, sooner than many believe or dare to hope for. The time of turning of the page is significant and should not be overlooked. Those who have eyes to see will see the critical nature of this time for much is tied off from the last season in order to open the new. It is not only the opening of the new that brings liberty, but the closing of the old. Don’t rush the time but wait on Me. Allow Me to reveal the small adjustments I wish to make. Allow Me to heal the deep areas of your heart. Allow Me to bring a refreshing to your soul. Allow Me to identify the areas where the little foxes have entered so these entry points can be closed. I know the significance of the turning of the page time and I will open the new chapter at the perfect time.”

Habakkuk 2:3 (ESV) – For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end – it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Igniting hearts and dreams –

“Allow My breath to ignite your heart. I am breathing life into the weary ones. I am breathing life back into the deep places of the heart that have been wounded and come to a place of hope deferred. My breath ignites hope and gives life to the dreams I have placed in your heart. It is time for dreams to be reignited, for hope to be restored and for My promises to come forth in power.”

Proverbs 13:12 (ESV) – Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Prophesy life and awakening –

“With My breath comes awakening and life. This is the hour to have eyes to see what My breath is igniting. This is the hour to prophesy life and awakening to the promises I have given. Call forth the wind and breath of God to blow over your situations, loved ones, family, ministry, regions, and nations. Watch your circumstances change as My breath brings life to that which looks dead. My breath brings intervention, turnaround, open doors, harvest, and fruitfulness. My breath awakens hearts and draws in the lost. Stand in your authority on your area of dry bones and prophesy on the leading of My Spirit.” (Ezekiel 37)

“My hand will turn the page on the season of old but My breath will open the new chapter.”

Months of awe –

“At the end of this year many will look back on the months of July to December and see how I brought things to a close (tied off areas of the last season) while simultaneously opened doors to the new season. They will see these months as the months of awe for My people will be in awe of all that comes to pass by My hand. Watch for long awaited details and promises to effortlessly fall into place. Many will see Ephesians 3:20 surround the unfolding of their promises for they will come to pass in ways beyond what they could ask, think or imagine. As My people see the promises come to pass they will also be given discernment and understanding on the pathway to the promise and the need for the process they have walked, as well as the ways I worked all things for their good in the time of waiting.”

Ephesians 3:20 (Amplified) – Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare to ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.

“I am rewarding the faithful stand of My people. The winds of change are blowing and will gain velocity and intensity in the months to come. I will blow out that which obstructs and hinders and blow in that which brings advancement and fruitfulness.”

The new chapter of life and destiny –

This is the hour of God’s divine interruption and intervention. God is stepping into your situation and bringing closure to things that have hindered you in the past. In the months to come there will be evidence of many things coming to life that you thought were dead. The new chapter will be one of resurrection life as the breath of God brings to life that which has laid dormant. New chapters are not only opening for individuals, but for families and regions. When I received this word the Lord showed me a vision of books of destiny of nations coming before Him and He was showing me He is turning the page and opening a new chapter for some nations at this time on the back of the intercession of His people. God’s justice, mercy, faithfulness, and goodness will be seen in the new chapters and His breath is bringing to life all that has been sown on the leading of His Spirit.


I prophesy the breath of God is breathing life into that which looked dead. The Lord is turning the page on your last season and bringing closure to that which has hindered you. He is opening a new chapter in your season and destiny. Be expectant for the chapter of life and liberty to unfold