We are in the month leading up to the start of the coming Hebrew year 5777 with the beginning of the year, Rosh Hashanah, starting at sundown on October 2nd. I had a vision of the month of September and I saw it was a month where we would be given glimpses and insight into the coming year and steps would be laid out before us and propel us forward as we approached the coming Hebrew year. I heard the Lord say this month would be a month of ‘steps’ and ‘sight’. In the vision I saw a person standing looking ahead and I knew they were looking at the month ahead of them. Before them were steps and in the distance I could see the steps becoming progressively closer together. At the end of steps was a large door. The door had the numbers 5777 written on it. Light was shining through the keyhole of the door. I was standing with the person and all of a sudden my sight was zooming in on the keyhole at a fast rate. Even though I was standing a long way back from the door, my sight was moving quickly to the keyhole of the door. It was as if I was holding a telescope and was narrowing in on the keyhole with great focus. Through the keyhole a detailed and wonderful picture could be seen, full of colour and life. It was a scene that invoked a feeling of wonder and awe. I was so taken with the scene and remember thinking it will be great to go through that door and be part of what I could see through the keyhole.



I believe the Lord is saying that September will be a time where we are given glimpses of what the Lord has for us in the year ahead. We will receive revelation and insight into the plans and purposes the Lord has for us. What we see starting to fall into place this month in the natural will be a precursor or a glimpse of the year ahead. The Holy Spirit is going to highlight and prompt things to us that will be like beacons and puzzle pieces needed for the year ahead. The Lord will begin to unveil His plans to us. We need to ensure we position ourselves to see spiritually by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and things above (Hebrews 12:2, Colossians 3:2) and surrender ourselves to be His sacred living sacrifices. We need to spend time in His presence through prayer and worship. Colossians 4:2 – Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. The revelation we receive will be the spiritual vision and promise for the coming year. We will be encouraged by what is revealed and there will be an excited expectation about the year ahead and all the Lord has planned.



I believe the Lord is saying that He will lay out steps for us in September that will propel us into the coming year. These steps are alignments, networking, resourcing and positioning needed for us to advance into what is to come. We will spring up and propel forward from each of these steps. As the month progresses these steps will gain momentum and we will see a convergence of things working together for God’s plans and purposes. We will be surprised by what the Lord orchestrates for us and how easily plans and details fall into place. Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” As we pursue God, the steps will come into view at just the time they are needed. Psalm 37:23 – The steps of the God-pursuing ones follow firmly in the footsteps of the Lord (The Passion Translation).



The coming Hebrew year will be one of awe and wonder as the Lord is going to do abundantly more than we can ask or imagine as we yield to Him, walk by faith and are obedient to the leading of His Spirit. Live with excited expectation for all He will do in and through you. Look for the spiritual insight He wants to give you this month and get ready to be propelled forward into the coming year!