A few nights ago I woke in the night and the Lord said, “Drink and let the living water flow out!” The scripture John 7:37-38 came to mind – “…Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” I then had a vision of 3 different people of God and I was looking inside them. The first person was full of living water and I could see it had filled them but they had what looked like a dam wall built inside them around the water so none of it was flowing out. They weren’t able to keep drinking in the water as none of it was flowing out, therefore they had no room to take in more. I then saw another believer and they had a trickle of water inside of them and a trickle was flowing out. They were satisfied with only a small amount of the living water on offer and had only drunk in a small amount. This amount was trickling out of them and they were then drinking in another small amount in order for it to flow out. The third child of God I saw was drinking in the living water in abundance and out of their belly the living water was flowing in all directions like rivers. The person was continually drinking in the water on offer and from the overflow inside of them, the living water was gushing out of them.
In the vision I received I believe the Lord was highlighting that there are some believers who are full of the living water but don’t allow the rivers to flow out of them and bless others. There are others who are content with less than what is available to them. When we open ourselves to receive what Jesus offers, we come and drink. The rivers that flow from us bear witness to Jesus and people then want to come to Jesus to receive the living water.
There is a promise from the Lord for all who come and drink – Jesus blesses all who believe in Him with rivers of living water. The invitation is repeated in Revelation 22:17 which says “….Whoever is thirsty let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” We really can experience consistent joy in Him that flows from us to others. Isaiah 12:3 says “Therefore you will joyously draw water from the springs of salvation.” The promise is available to anyone who believes in Jesus but we must be thirsty for God. Once you recognise your spiritual thirst, the offer of living water is a free gift. You don’t have to work to earn or qualify for it – you just need to drink! You never need to search again for a source of satisfaction for your soul as every river that needs to flow for the joy of your soul, will flow from Jesus. Isaiah 58:11 – “The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like and ever-flowing spring.”
Let’s walk in the fullness of the Spirit and intimacy with Jesus. Let us not be content with a sporadic, trickle of living water but instead drink continuously and abundantly to allow ongoing rivers to gush from our inner most being. Let us not be content in storing the water but allow the living water we receive to flow out of us to a thirsty world.