The Lord highlighted Joshua 3:5 to me this week – “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” This is how Joshua addressed the people as he was preparing them to cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land. The Lord highlighted this verse to me as He has been speaking to me about His people ‘crossing over’ into their promised land. I believe many people are in a time of crossing over into the place where they will walk in the position they have been created for and will see the manifestation of their promise. I believe the Lord is calling His people to be set apart and prepared for the crossing of their Jordan and to step out in faith as they will then see the Lord work in and through them in a powerful way.
Consecration –
Consecration means to set ourselves apart to be used by God for His plans and purposes. 2 Timothy 2:21 TPT – … for you are to be a pure container of Christ and dedicated to the honorable purposes of your Master, prepared for every good work that he gives you to do. We need to confess and turn away from any sin in our lives. We also need to keep our eyes fixed on things above. Colossians 3:2 TPT – Feast on all the pleasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm. We need to be Spirit led and be obedient to where the Spirit leads us. As we make time in our life to spend time in His presence, to read His word and to build our knowledge of who God is and who we are in Him, we are preparing ourselves for the plans the Lord has for us.
Crossing Over –
We see in scripture that the Jordan River stood as a place of transition. Crossing the Jordan River for Joshua and the Israelites meant entering the Promised Land. We read in Joshua 3:8 that the Lord tells Joshua to command the priests to stand in the Jordan when they come to the water’s edge. Joshua tells the people what will happen in verse 13 – As soon as their feet touch the water, the flow of water will be cut off upstream, and the river will stand up like a wall. We read in verse 15-16 that this is indeed what happened. The command of God to step into the water meant they needed to step out in faith and get their feet wet. It was necessary for them to act on the message from God. As they stepped out they stood still and waited for the God to move and the power of God to manifest. Their dependence was on God. God did an amazing wonder among them and dried up the waters of the Jordan until the Israelites had crossed over. God showed His power and presence in the crossing of the Jordan. Luke 18:27 TPT – What appears humanly impossible is more than possible with God. For God can do what man cannot.
To cross over we must fix our gaze on Jesus, set ourselves apart and be led by the Holy Spirit. We must also take a step of faith and step out when He calls us to do so. We must act on the word we have been given by God. James 1:22 TPT – Don’t just listen to the Word of Truth and not respond to it, for that is the essence of self-deception. So always let his Word become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life! When we do these things we will see the Lord do amazing things among us. We will partner with Him in seeing Him perform wonders in our midst. We are to walk in faith and to release what we have to others. John 14:12 TPT – I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do – even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father. Matthew 10:8 TPT – Freely you have received the power of the kingdom, so freely release it to others.
Many are in a time of ‘crossing over’ their Jordan into their promised land. You are moving from a time of transition to a time of seeing the manifestation of God’s promises come to pass. You will see God move powerfully as you set yourself apart for Him, trust in Him and His timing and step out in faith when led by the Holy Spirit.