Today when I sat with the Lord I heard Him say, “I am moving people from wearing gum boots to roller skates!” I then had a vision of people of God at various stages. Each stage was characterized by a type of footwear and a type of lens for sight.


The first group were wearing gum boots and they were walking through thick mud. They were finding it difficult to walk as much effort was needed in wading through the mud. The mud was hindering them but they were pushing forward. It was difficult for them to see much ahead of them as the mud was in a low lying area. They were seeing only with their natural eyes.


The second group were wearing sandals and were walking on a dusty road. They were walking but at a slow pace. They were wearing reading spectacles and were able to look around them but couldn’t see too far into the distance.


The third group had running shoes on and were moving at a fast pace. They were running and could see a long distance around them. The people in this group had magnifying glasses so they could see things in more detail and periscopes so they were able to see things that would otherwise have been out of sight.


The last group were wearing roller skates and they were moving at a very high speed. They seemed to be having such fun and were enjoying the adventure. They were moving with such freedom and ease. They were carrying telescopes and could see a long way into the distance.


I believe the Lord is saying that as the people of God increase their spiritual sight and level of revelation, they are able to move in a greater level of freedom and the leading of the Holy Spirit as they take on more of a heavenly perspective. They look to things above rather than their immediate circumstances. The more heavenly perspective the people of God have, the more joy they have and the more they move in the things of the Spirit.


We are able to increase our spiritual sight by seeking the Lord and a deeper level of intimacy with Him and pursuing righteousness and the things above. When we see from a heavenly perspective we are accelerated into things of God and are not hindered by our circumstances. I believe the Lord is wanting to change our perspective and open our spiritual eyes. Jesus is inviting us into a deeper level of intimacy with Him. He is setting captives free and revealing more of Himself to us and who we are in Him. As we have deeper revelation (spiritual sight) we are able to more fully understand our position in the Kingdom of God. Spiritual sight is very important as people perish for lack of revelation or vision (Proverbs 29:18). If we behold Christ we become partakers of the divine nature. We are instructed to seek things above, not things that are on the earth (Colossians 3:1-2). We need to seek first His righteousness (Philippians 4:8) and fix our eyes on Jesus, the one seated on the throne (Hebrews 12:2). We are to look to our eternal reward and not seek pleasures of the earth (Hebrews 11:24-26). Proverbs 21:21 says whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honour.


Spiritual sight is also vital to effective ministry. Jesus said he only did what he saw his father doing (John 5:19-20). As our spiritual sight increases, we move more effectively in ministry and the things of God as we more effectively partner with the Holy Spirit. We are trusted with the keys of the Kingdom and as we partner with the Holy Spirit we bring God’s will to pass wherever we go and it brings glory to the Father and to Jesus. To live in accordance with the Spirit, we must set our mind on what the Spirit desires (Romans 8:5). The Lord reveals His plans and purposes to us through the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9).


The Lord wants us to move from natural sight to spiritual sight and be always seeking greater revelation in the things of the Spirit. The Lord wants us to transition from moving in our own strength (mud boots) to moving in the flow of the Spirit (skates!).