Home Blueprints & Strategies from Heaven

Blueprints & Strategies from Heaven


Psalm 25:4-5 (TPT) – Lord direct me throughout my journey, so I can experience your plans for my life. Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you. Escort me along the way; take me by the hand and teach me. For you are the God of my increasing salvation; I have wrapped my heart into yours!


Philippians 3:12 (TPT) – I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfil and wants me to discover.


As I spent time with the Lord He showed me a vision of what is coming for many in the body of Christ. A sound was released from heaven and this sound activated the angels on assignment. I saw many, many angels released from heaven carrying rolled up blueprints. I saw the angels deliver these blueprints into the hands of believers. I knew these documents were blueprints unveiling specific strategies from heaven on the next step the people were to take in advancement of their God given assignments and destiny. In some cases these blueprints outlined just the next step the people were to take and I had a knowing that more blueprints would be released to them in the future. In other cases the people were given detailed strategy for the whole assignment in the blueprint they were given. I sensed such an importance on taking action once the blueprints had been given. There was a need to act on the strategy given. These blueprints were details plans of action that would lead to victory and advancement!


The Lord showed me that people who will be given these blueprints are the ones who had been praying for the ‘next step’. Their heart desire was to walk in the path the Lord had for them and to be obedient to His call. They had been feeling that the Lord was leading them into a new place but they had yet to receive the specific details on what He had planned for them. The Lord had given them a desire, burden or vision for the future but they hadn’t received details on what it looked like or specific strategies on how to move into it. They had been resting in God and His timing knowing He was faithful to unveil it to them at the right time. The Lord had been preparing them for the new and had been positioning them for what was to unfold before them. He had prepared them to carry what was to come. They had been in a time of waiting on God and now He was going to release them into the next step in their assignment and destiny. Through the blueprints the Lord was unfolding the plans He had for them.


Later as I sought the Lord further I heard Him say many have been in a time of preparation for the ‘new’ He is bringing. The Lord says to you, “Continue to wait on Me as I am sending you the strategy for advancement. I am sending you your next assignment. I am taking you to a new level. You have aligned your will and your heart with Mine. Continue to trust in Me and look only to Me. Do not listen to the logic of the world but listen only to My voice. Be led by My Spirit and by peace. Stand firm on the promises I have spoken as I am faithful to bring them to pass. Do not believe the enemy that the assignment I have set before you is too large or you are unqualified to complete it as in your weakness My strength is made perfect. I will supply all you need to complete the task. All you need do is be obedient to the leading of My Spirit. I have gone ahead to prepare the way and I will unfold the path before you. The desire and stirring in your heart for more was placed there by Me. Press in at this time and you will receive greater revelation for what lies ahead. I have prepared you to carry what is to come. You have been sharpened and honed to be more effective for Me. My strategy for your advancement will be unveiled to you as you continue to seek Me. The fullness of My plan is ahead of you.”


Blueprints from heaven are being released that will unveil the strategy for advancement the Lord is bringing to you.