When I was in worship I heard the Lord say, “I am awakening my people.” I then had a vision of a believer crouched down. I noticed the person was wrapped up in what looked like tight plastic wrap. I then saw Jesus and He began to unwrap the person. The more they were unwrapped, the straighter they began to stand. I felt the Lord was unveiling who they really were in Him and the child of God was receiving revelation on their identity in Christ which was transforming them. The more they were unveiled and the bondage holding them was removed, the more they were standing in freedom. Jesus was breaking off fear, shame and anything else that had held them back in their life and was bringing them to the knowledge they were known and loved by Him. I then heard Romans 8:11 spoken over the person – “The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you.” This knowledge was electrifying the person and caused them to rise up in boldness. They were moving out in ways and areas they had not moved into before as they had a new understanding of their identity in Christ and the power available to them in the kingdom of God.
I believe Jesus is causing His people to come to a greater understanding and knowing that they are loved by Him and this is compelling believers to share the love of Jesus with others. The people of God are rising up to touch those around them with the power and love of Jesus as they understand all that is available to them in the Kingdom of God.
The vision then changed and I saw a mountain ridge in the distance. I heard a thunderous sound and I saw the people of God who had been awakened to their true identity taking up their position on the ridge line. They were moving in unison like an army. The sound grew louder and louder as more and more people were adding to the group. I then saw the group part and the lion of the tribe of Judah thundered through the middle of the group and went to the front then led the group as they moved with power and unity across the land.
I believe the Lord is saying He is awakening His bride and these awakened ones are moving together in unity, following Him, to impact the land around them and the area of influence He has given them, to see that area impacted for Jesus. When we know how much we are loved by God and the freedom found in Him we are motivated to share that love with those around us. We are on the earth to manifest Jesus, to love the Lord and others and to bring heaven to earth. As we step out and demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit and the gospel, people will know the power of God and the fact they are personally loved by Him. (1 Corinthians 2:4-5, Romans 1:16). We change the area around us one person at a time. The Lord is raising up His army – those willing to surrender all to Him and go where He leads. Will you be one of the awakened ones in this army who understand their identity in Christ and burn with a desire to see heaven come to earth and revival break out?