Psalm 86:10 (TPT) – You are the one and only God! What miracles! What wonders! What greatness belongs to you!


Recently when I was seeking the Lord I heard Him say, “I am the God of wonder and I will do ‘wonders’ through those who have a heart that beats with mine. My people will be amazed by the wonderous deeds I will do for them. There are many who desire to be used in a greater way to advance My kingdom. They have embraced My pruning and refining process. They have embraced the shaking – the removal of things that would hold them back and hinder them. They know what it means to be ‘set apart’ for Me. As they allow Me to work through them they will see Me do wonders in their midst and many will be drawn to Me. I am taking these ones to a new level. Upgrades are coming to them. They are branded with the seal of My Spirit and will do mighty works in the power of My Spirit and the authority of My name. There have been many who have felt like they are in the wilderness but they will now move into a time of wonder where they will be in awe of what I will do through them and for them. Continue to press in and you will be filled with more.”


We are in a time where we will see the Lord do wonders for us and through us as we align our heart with His and live to give glory to His name. Those who have surrendered all to Him and have been through the refining fire are being upgraded in the spirit. The Lord is faithful to fulfil His plans and promises and we will be in awe of Him as He does exceedingly above what we can ask, think or imagine. Psalm 72:18 (TPT) – Praise forever Jehovah God, the God of Israel! He is the one and only God of wonders, surpassing every expectation. Isaiah 25:1 (NASB) – ‘O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you, I will give thanks to your name; for you have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness.


We are commissioned to do mighty works in the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the name of Jesus. We will see many people come to salvation as they witness the power of the gospel through miracles and wonders. We are in a season of great harvest where God is raising up those who are hungry for more and are yielded to Him. He is filling people with the power of the Holy Spirit and they are bringing the gospel message with power. As the power of God is manifested, people turn to Jesus and the truth of the gospel. In Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth we read his model for sharing the gospel of Jesus. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (NASB) – and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.


Be encouraged – the refining fire has prepared you to be used by God in a greater way to advance His Kingdom. The shaking has removed the things that would hinder you as you enter your time of advancement. You are moving from the wilderness to a time of wonder!