Home A company of Esthers & Mordecais arising to bring transformation

A company of Esthers & Mordecais arising to bring transformation

I recently felt the Lord direct me to read the book of Esther again and to specifically look at the role of Mordecai in relation to Esther. After finishing reading, the Lord began to speak to me about the company of spiritual Esthers and Mordecais He is raising up in this hour to bring transformational change to regions and nations; to overturn the plans of the enemy and to see His plans advance.




I heard the Lord say, “I am indeed positioning those with hearts like Esther at this time. Those who love not their lives even unto death but instead live to see My plans advance. I will open doors of influence to them at strategic times and they will be amazed at the way I suddenly increase their area of influence for Me. They walk in surrender to Me and they honour those that have gone before them and those who stand with them. These ones are willing to be a voice for Me and I will cause their voice to be heard by key people of influence. It is not a time to be silent but a time to be a voice and come against the schemes of the enemy using the strategy I reveal to them. Many have been positioned and prepared for this time, for the strategic hour has come. I am now calling those I have positioned and prepared to use their voice and make a stand on My leading; a stand against injustice and a stand to see My will established in the earth. Now is the time for action. I have not positioned and prepared one person, but a whole company. I have prepared them to be a voice and step into, and use, their place of influence. Many have overlooked and even dishonoured those who have gone before them but I am raising up those into positions of influence like Esther who acknowledge and honour those who nurtured, discipled and released them to walk in the fullness of their destiny.”


Like Esther, many of God’s people have gone through great preparation in past seasons. The Lord is inviting those He has positioned and prepared, to now rise into the next step of their destiny on His leading. The Lord will open the doors of influence and favour to those like Esther at this time so they may powerfully partner with Him to see His plans advance. It will not be through striving, but surrender to Him, knowing He is aligning the path ahead. He is raising up those who seek Him and move on His leading with courage and wisdom, using His strategy. Now is the time to be a voice in your area of influence and stand for kingdom principles and the establishment of God’s will in the earth. The Lord is raising up those like Esther who understand and acknowledge those who the Lord has placed in their life to nurture, disciple and release them to walk in the fullness of the plans the Lord has for them for it is through the generations uniting and through those mature in the faith discipling those young in the faith that we will see God’s plans accelerated.




The Lord then said, “You can’t speak of those like Esther without also speaking of those arising who are like Mordecai for their destinies are intertwined and both are needed in order to see My plan established. Both are needed in order to see transformation of regions and nations. I am not just positioning a company of Esthers, I am raising up a company of Mordecais for this critical time. Now is the time when spiritual Mordecais will be honoured. They carry My heart to see My people advance and walk in the fullness of the plans I have for them. They walk in wisdom, discernment, humility and boldness. They are surrendered to Me and they have great spiritual sight to see the plans of the enemy. They are My intimate friends and much is revealed to them regarding My times and seasons. They partner with Me in intercession to see My kingdom advance. I am releasing greater spiritual discernment to them in this hour. I am positioning Esthers around them who they will encourage, disciple and release. I am placing Mordecais in leadership and advisory roles in My body as they have revelation on the strategy to advance My kingdom. They lay down their own agenda and align with My ways to build My kingdom and equip and release My people.”


The Lord is raising up those like Mordecai who are God fearing and are not ruled by the fear of man. They are willing to stand for Kingdom ways and make a stand against injustice. The Lord is raising up leaders who lay down their own agenda and take up the agenda of the King. They stand for righteousness and justice and they walk in love. God is releasing great discernment and revelation on the plans of the enemy and the strategies to advance His plans in this hour to those He trusts to steward the revelation. The Lord is raising up those into leadership roles who have a heart for His people and those that equip and release people to walk in the fullness of their destiny. Mordecai was used to speak into the life of Esther and help her see her destiny and the reason God choose her to be queen. The Lord is highlighting the spiritual Mordecais and He is calling them to rise up and realise the importance of their role.




The Lord says, “Now is the time to overthrow the plans of the enemy and to see My will established in regions and nations. A company of Esthers and Mordecais are arising who walk in unity, authority and stand against injustice. They know it is the hour for action on the leading of My Spirit and they are stepping into the plans I have for them. As they do this whole regions will be transformed. What the enemy meant for harm I will surely turn for good as My people step into their place of influence and destiny for such a time as this.”


The Lord is revealing the schemes of the enemy to His people and He is calling them to use their spiritual authority to come against the plans of the enemy, using the strategy revealed by His Spirit. The justice of God will be seen and the recompense of God will flow leading to transformation. The Lord is calling His people to step into the destiny that He has prepared for them. He is calling them to stand united in intercession and action to see God bring deliverance and transformation.


Romans 8:28 (ESV) –And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Isaiah 40:10 (ESV) – Behold, the Lord God comes with might, and his arm rules for him; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him.

Isaiah 35:4 (ESV) – Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.”




The Lord went on to say, “I am calling My church to the model of Esther and Mordecai for My church is to stand together and use their spiritual authority, intercession and sphere of influence to affect change by coming against the plans of the enemy and advancing My plans. I am shifting the government or rule in My church. Many are awakening to My original plan for I intended My church to be the salt of the earth, a light on a hill, My ambassadors, to be in the world but not of it, and to walk in the fullness of all I purchased for them.”


The Lord’s vision for His church has not changed and He is calling His people back to what He always intended. We are called to use our authority and position to influence our society and bring transformation. We are to stand for righteousness, walk in Kingdom ways, show others the way and the truth, and allow our light to be seen so the Lord will be glorified. The Lord is awakening His church to their role as His ambassadors in the earth and calling them to partner with Him in establishing His will in the earth. A fear of the Lord is returning to the church and He is raising up those who are surrendered to Him and uncompromising in their stand. Those leaders in the church who live to see His name glorified, His kingdom advance and are led by His Spirit are being highlighted and used by the Lord to equip and release those He has placed around them. The Lord often chooses to move through His people so He is looking for partnership. He is looking for those who will partner with Him to overturn the schemes of the enemy and reclaim and call forth the destiny of the nations. He is shifting the government in His church to allow for a move of His Spirit and perfecting of His bride in preparation for His end time plans. His plans will be advanced not by one, but the uniting of many.


Matthew 5:13 (ESV) – “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.”

Matthew 5:14 (ESV) – “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

2 Corinthians 5:20 – Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.

Luke 10:19 (ESV) – Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.

Matthew 16:19 (ESV) – I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.