Home A Time of Convergence

A Time of Convergence

I heard the Lord say, “You will see a time of convergence.” He then went on to speak to me about the aspects of the convergence He is bringing.

The definition of convergence is: ‘The occurrence of two or more things coming together’


Convergence of the fulfilment of time and the plan of God –

There is a convergence taking place where the plan and promises God has spoken will meet the fulfilment of time for those promises. The plans of God for individuals, families, regions and nations will come to pass as the fulfilment of time for these plans and promises arrives. We are in a time for individuals, regions and nations where the Lord is alerting His people that the fulfilment of time has arrived and He is calling His people to partner with Him in intercession to see the manifestation of the promise come to pass.


Convergence of prophetic words and promises spoken –

We will see convergence of prophetic words and promises the Lord has spoken over our lives. Many prophetic words will be brought to pass at one time as these words converge. Words that we have shelved and wondered how they will come to pass will suddenly be manifested in our lives. We will see how multiple prophetic words we have received link together as they come to pass at the same time. They will come to pass in ways that are beyond what we imagined but we will see how the Lord’s hand is over the timing and fulfilment of these promises.


Convergence of those with the same mandate –

Convergence of people and ministries with the same mandate or assignment from the Lord will be seen on a much greater scale. The Lord is aligning and linking people with the same heart and vision, even across countries and continents as there is much power in unity and much more will be achieved for the kingdom as the people of God unite.


Convergence of Word and Spirit –

In the new move of God there will be a convergence of the importance of being strong in the word of God as well as allowing the Spirit to move with freedom. Those who will be used by the Lord will understand the importance of both the word and the Spirit. The Lord is drawing His people back to His word and the need to discover the word for ourselves and meditate on it. He is highlighting the importance of His word along with the demonstration of the power of the Spirit.


Convergence of those mature in their walk with those young in the faith –

True discipleship will emerge on a greater scale as those who are mature in their faith and walk with the Lord disciple and raise up those who are new to faith. The Lord is raising up spiritual mothers and fathers who have a heart to see others walk in the fullness of their destiny in God and He is linking these people with those who are new in Christ. Generals of the faith are arising who will show others how to partner with the new thing the Lord is doing in the earth.


Convergence of generations –

God is the God of the generations and there will be a convergence of different generations as each generation brings something unique, powerful and so needed to what the Lord is doing. People of all ages will come together to fulfil God’s end time purposes in the earth. This new unity among the generations will occur as they operate from a position of love and have a kingdom mindset. There will be such honour and harmony between the different generations as they acknowledge and appreciate the uniqueness and importance of what each generation brings. A remnant is being prepared and positioned for a great move of God and harvest of souls. This remnant includes people of all ages as the Lord will use all ages to accomplish His plans and purposes.


Convergence of nations –

There will be a convergence of nations who will stand for righteousness and those who will be used by God to lead the way in His end time plan. There will also be a convergence of nations who stand in support of Israel and great blessing will come to those nations.

There are many nations who have a great spiritual inheritance that has laid dormant. Now is the time to intercede for our nations so that we may take back what has been sown both in prayer and in steps of faith and obedience of those in generations past. Pray for your nation to step into its divine destiny.


We are entering a time of great convergence as there is acceleration into the fulfilment of God’s end time plans and purposes.