Home Word for Australia – Fire, Rain and Divine Shift

Word for Australia – Fire, Rain and Divine Shift

I have felt such a burden for Australia as many face devastation in the wake of the bushfires that have torn through many parts of the country. May you be encouraged by this word from the Lord and may we stand together for the nation.




I heard the Lord say, “The fires that rage in the nation of Australia are NOT fires of judgement; they are not from My hand as some are saying. That is a lie of the enemy that is infiltrating parts of My church. These fires of destruction are not of Me. I will use what the enemy meant for harm and use it for good for I will use this crisis in the nation to unify My church and call the nation to united prayer. Denominational barriers will fall as My body unites to fast and pray for the nation. Australians are known in the natural for helping their mates and at this time in the spirit they will be known for standing united to pray for their friends, their fellow Australians in need. A great call from heaven has gone out to stand in prayer and intercession for the nation and many have answered the call, even from nations abroad, but more people need to take up the call. The prayers of My people are rising and Australia will see My hand of intervention move on the nation.”




“It is a critical time for the nation of Australia, in the natural and in the spiritual. Great change is on the horizon and a shift is upon the nation. Those with eyes to see can see the promise of the rain is at hand. Just as Elijah went to Mt Carmel and partnered with Me in prayer to see the fulfillment of the promise and continued until the small cloud appeared in the sky, so too I am calling My body in Australia to posture themselves in prayer and partnership to see the promise of spiritual rain come to the nation.”


“Just as I told My servant Elijah that I would send rain to break the drought so too I will break the drought in the nation of Australia. When this occurs, this will be a sign, not only of the break in the physical drought, but it will be a sign of the rain of My presence that will fall on this nation. The rain will be a sign of the shift and change in time for the nation. The rain will be evidence of the spiritual wells that will burst forth in the nation. These are areas that will bring awakening, healing and transformation to regions.”




“I will not only release the rain but I will release My fire, My purifying power on this nation. Just as fires in the natural have broken out in pockets around the nation, so too hubs around the nation will be set ablaze with the power of My Spirit and fueled by prayer, praise and worship.”


“My refining fire is coming to Australia to awaken and purify My bride. Through this refining My bride will be equipped and made ready. Just as natural fire burns away the dross, so too I am burning away that which is not aligned with My heart and ways. My purifying fire is coming to awaken the nation to truth and the hour at hand. I will use the refining fire to shake My people out of slumber and complacency for they must awaken to the significance of the hour. The slumbering and apathetic spirit must be broken over the nation. The root of complacency must be broken in this nation for complacency is the hindrance to the uprising I wish to see in My people. Awakening is the remedy for as My people are awakened to the hour and the commission I have given for this time, they will heed the call, arise and take their place. There is a battle in the spirit over the nation but My destiny for the nation will come to pass. Now is the time to stand united in prayer and intercession against the schemes of the enemy and to call forth My plans and purposes for the nation.”




“The nation saw Me intervene in the governance of the nation in the 2019 election on the back of their prayer and intercession. This was the beginning of the turnaround for the nation but since then My people have not adequately taken up the charge to pray for the leadership of the nation as is My instruction. This year will see a great number of people take up the assignment I release to them to pray for the Prime Minister, the government of Australia and the protection of the constitution and laws that protect religious freedom and righteousness. The enemy has plans to further dilute and distort the laws of the land but as My people stand, this will be averted.”




“Now is the time for boldness. Pray for boldness for the Prime Minister as he will be called to make bold decisions in the year ahead that will go against popular opinion but will be in line with My plans and purposes. I am bringing a small, core group together who will pray with, and advise, the Prime Minister. Pray for these ones.”


“I am releasing boldness to My faithful remnant in Australia who are being called to make a stand and be a voice for righteousness, while walking in humility and love. They have hearts that are aligned with Mine and they hunger to see transformation in the land. They will partner with Me and will be released into greater kingdom assignments this year.”


“My branded ones are arising. These are the ones who have been through My refining fire, walk in My refining and are filled with My power. They are marked with My love. They have been commissioned by Me for such a time as this and they are arising in boldness, filled with My Spirit.”




“I am shaking that which can be shaken in order to bring alignment in My body. A shift has begun in the nation, a shift in governance. I am raising up that which is genuine. I am raising up those who seek My presence and live to see My name glorified. A holy discontent is arising in My people as they are no longer satisfied with the ‘status quo’ and want to see real transformation in their families and regions. These are the ones who will operate in great authority and will be agents through which My power, love and truth brings transformation. I am raising up those who will speak forth My word with power. They will say as Paul did, that their message is not in plausible words of wisdom but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power so that their faith may not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. I am raising up those who will deliver My prophetic message with purity as they have pure hearts. Now is the time to heed My word through these ones as they will bring a course correction to the nation and they will lead people to My heart, ways and truth.”




“Australia Day this year will not be the same as other years for I am calling for a day of prayer and intercession for the nation. I am reminding My people of 2 Chronicles 7:14. I am calling My people to make decrees on the leading of My Spirit. I am calling them to remember and give thanks for My past faithfulness, to stand on the prophetic promises I have spoken over the nation and to call in My plans and purposes for the nation. I am inviting them to align their decrees with heaven, to decree a shift and Isaiah 60:1-2 over the nation and to call in the inheritance of the nation as a South Land of the Holy Spirit.”