Home The federation of Australia is under fire

The federation of Australia is under fire

All week I have heard the Lord say this phrase to me, “The federation of Australia is under fire.”


Australia became a nation on 1 January 1901 when six self-governing British colonies (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania) united to form the Commonwealth of Australia. This process is known as federation. The colonies collectively became states of the Commonwealth of Australia at that time.


I heard the Lord say, “The federation of Australia is under fire. What was originally established as co-operation of the states to work together to form a commonwealth is now being attacked by the enemy. The enemy’s plan to see division between the states and bring disunity is gaining ground which is weakening the nation. A house divided against itself will crumble but there is power and strength in unity. Federation is the backbone of unity. The enemy is trying to dismantle the operation of federation of the states in order to cripple the nation. Now is the time for My people to fortify the nation through prayer. ‘State’ vision, what is best for each state, is overriding ‘national’ vision and what is best for the nation. A shift must come to the vision of many people and leaders at this time for it is My desire to see the people stand as ‘Australians’ and stand for what is best for the nation and stand for Australians all over the nation, not just in their state.”




“I am raising up an army of federation fighters in this nation. They can see the schemes of the enemy to bring division and will stand to see federation return to the nation in spirit and action. Reformation will come on the back of their united stand for unity of the nation. They will stand in intercession for the principal of federation to be reinstated in the nation. As My federation fighters arise, greater freedom will come to the nation as they forge the way in the spirit, breaking down strongholds and calling forth My purposes for the nation.”


2 Corinthians 10:3-4 (ESV) – For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.




“I am calling My people in Australia to step out of complacency and take up the fight in the spirit. The complacency and apathy of the people in the nation at this time is permitting the political spirit to gain ground in the nation. Now is the time to rise up and take up the battle for a course correction is needed in the nation. I am unveiling that which is hidden and exposing political agendas that are not in line with My heart and ways. The political agendas of some leaders are causing seeds of destruction to be sown when My desire is for seeds of compassion, unity and wisdom to be sown in the nation. Seeds of destruction bring pain and suffering to the lives of people where seeds of compassion and wisdom see a harvest of advancement, healing and restoration.”




“I am calling My people to stand in prayer and intercession to silence the voice of the enemy that has been given a wide platform at this time and to instead call forth the voice of truth, reason and wisdom. Now is the time to pray for boldness for those leaders in the political arena who walk in truth, reason and wisdom. Now is the time to call in leaders who have a heart for the nation as well as their region. It is time for My people to call in leaders who have a heart for the people.”


James 3:17 (ESV) – But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.




“There is an imbalance of power between the federal and state government levels at this time in the nation. The voice of the Prime Minister is being overridden by the voice of the Premiers due to this imbalance. Now is the time for My people to call in a balance of power in the governmental levels so that decisions can be made that are in both the interests of the states and the nation. I am calling My people to stand in the spirit to see the voice of the national interest arise.


It is time for My people to call forth the rise of state leaders who will walk in integrity, wisdom, love and mercy. It is time to call in state leaders who will sit at the federation table; those who understand the need for unity in the nation and who have an Australian perspective as well as a regional one. Just as the prayers of My people saw the positioning of the Prime Minster into power in the last federal election in alignment with My plan for the nation, so too alignment will come to the states as My people pray.”




“Australians are known in the natural for their ‘mateship’; the way they stand by their friends. In the spirit now is the time for My people in Australia to rise up and stand for their fellow Australians. It is time to pray for Australians in hardship and to pray for the nation. It is time to be moved with compassion, to act in love and to stand in prayer and intercession for mateship to arise. Mateship is an expression of loyalty and love and is greatly needed at this time where the enemy is bringing division.”




“As My people begin to pray and intercede for the return of true federation in this nation, much fruit will come from their stand. My angelic host is ready to bring to pass all I have in store for the nation as My people pray in line with My word and will. The fruit of federation and unity in the nation will have widespread impact on broad national issues as well as issues in the lives of everyday Australians. Divine intervention will be seen on the back of the prayers and intercession of My people. A harvest of blessing will flow to the nation as My people stand united for there is power in the united stand of My people. A re-writing of policies is coming to the nation following the stand of My people. The faithful remnant have continued to stand but I am calling more of My people in this nation to rise up in this hour in prayer to see My purposes come forth in full measure. The heart of the nation is being wounded at this time but I am coming to bring healing and liberty and to bring a course correction to the nation for great is the destiny I have for this nation.”




There is a call from heaven to rise up in prayer and intercession for the nation at this time, to stand in our spiritual authority against the schemes and plans of the enemy and to call forth God’s plan for the nation. It is important to remember this is a spiritual battle, for our battle is not against people but against powers of darkness. In all things we are to walk in love and show others the heart and ways of God.


Ephesians 6:12 (ESV) – For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Colossians 3:14 (ESV) – And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.


The Federation of Australia is under fire. May we take up the call to pray and intercede for the nation in this hour. Divine intervention and much fruit will come from our united stand. The Lord is coming to bring a course correction to the nation as His people rise up and partner with Him in prayer.