Home I am Changing the Landscape of the Mountains

I am Changing the Landscape of the Mountains

We are living in exciting times where the Lord is moving in a powerful way. The Lord is changing the landscape of the cultural mountains which will lead to transformation of nations.


The Lord gave me this same vision a few days in a row when I spent time in His presence so I knew He was sending me a message He wanted released to the body of Christ. I saw a vision of a large mountain. All of a sudden a mighty rush of water burst through the top section of the mountain. I was surprised by the power and volume of the water. It was so strong that the top section of the mountain crumbled and fell away as the water burst through the solid rock formation of the mountain. The rock broke away in an instant. I was taken with how the landscape of the mountain changed after the water burst through. The mountain had been altered and transformed. I noticed that the water that had broken through the mountain then fanned out in a wide reaching spray of water that showered over all of the land surrounding the mountain. The water showered the land in every direction around the mountain. I saw the land surrounding the mountain become lush, green and alive from the water. Lights began to turn on all through the residential areas of the land. One after the other lights turned on in a cascade of brightness. The water as a shower of blessing was transforming the land and igniting the towns where the people lived. The transformation of the mountain was impacting the surrounding landscape in such a positive way.


I then heard the Lord say, “The power and flow of My Spirit is going to break open and break through the ‘mountains’ of society. One mountain after another will be impacted and changed by My Spirit. I am changing the cultural mountains, and impact of this change will be evident in the world. I am invading the top of the mountains, as from the top, influence and change will flow down. Structures and people of great influence at the top of these mountains will encounter the power of My Spirit. They will be radically changed, realigned and repositioned. These mountains will be forever changed following the flow of My Spirit and living water through them. As things not of Me are shaken and removed and My glory is revealed, showers of My blessing will flow and have far reaching impact. Strongholds are coming down and My plans are being ushered in on the prayers and decrees of My people. Do not think any mountain is too great or out of My reach. My people will ignite change as they stand in prayer to see My plans come to pass. Watch for My power and word to break through mountains of this day. Mountains will be transformed dramatically and suddenly in a way not seen before.”


I believe the Lord is inviting His people to align with His will and to intercede and usher in His plans and purposes across all areas of society within their nation. As His people pray and decree His word, mountains of society will be transformed suddenly. Strongholds will be brought down and the landscape of the mountains forever changed by the impact of the hand of God. God will bring a shaking which will cause realignment and repositioning. The cultural mountains will align with the ways of God and God’s agenda will flow down the mountains. Blessings will flow from the transformation and have far reaching effect throughout lands and nations. Those nations that see transformation of cultural mountains to align with the ways of God will be nations that are a ‘light on a hill’ to others. They will radiate with the glory of the Lord and others will be drawn to their light.

Isaiah 60:3 (NASB) – Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.


We are in a time where the Lord is asking His people to partner with Him to bring radical change. He is calling His people to rise up in their authority in Him and to take their place to impact their area of influence and bring glory to His name. The Lord is using everyday people who have surrendered all to Him and who are humble, passionate in their love for Him and obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our seating and reigning with Christ is a position of authority and triumph. The more we understand our identity, the more we will impact our world. More than ever, now is the time to awaken to our position as co-heirs with Christ and to understand our true identity and authority as children of God.

Romans 8:16-17 (NASB) – The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. Ephesians 2:6 (TPT) – He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now joined as one with Christ!


We are also to understand the supernatural power given to us to speak and proclaim God’s Word over areas that need transformation. God’s word will accomplish His desires and purposes.

John 6:63b (NASB) – the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. Hebrews 4:12a (NIV) – For the word of God is alive and active. Isaiah 55:11 (NASB) – So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty; without accomplishing what I desire; and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.


The Lord is moving in a new way and we will see powerful and sudden transformation of the mountains of our societies in a way not seen before and then transformation of nations as we take up His invitation to partner with Him to usher in His plans.