Home Call to pray for the USA in the race to the 2020 election

Call to pray for the USA in the race to the 2020 election

As I sat with the Lord in prayer He showed me a running race that was underway. I instantly knew it was the race to the 2020 American presidential election and I could see the candidates running in their respective lanes on the track with the finish line as the date of the November election. I could see one candidate was highlighted as his lane was lit up all the way to the finish line. There was a great number of people gathered around the track and much activity was occurring in and around the race. I could see in the background a great spiritual battle raging around this race and I felt the weightiness of the significance of the battle and the race.


Significance of the 2020 election and the call to pray in unity –


I then heard the Lord say, “The 2020 United States election will be a pivotal moment in history. The tide will turn in the nation following this election. The tide of division that has raged in the nation will turn and My divine intervention will be seen. A great spiritual war is raging over the unfolding of My purposes for this election and the nation. The war will increase in the days ahead. I am calling My people in the United States and in the nations to take up the call to pray to see My purposes established and the enemies plans overturned, for the outcome of this election will impact the world, not just the nation of the United States. My people will need to pray from a place of purity of heart, laying down their own agendas and opinions and instead taking up a kingdom mindset and praying in line with My purposes. There has been no election in the nation of greater spiritual significance than this one as what I wish to bring forth following this election through the Trump administration will have significant impact on advancing My kingdom and plans, not just in the USA but in the earth. Therefore there is a need for My people to look with spiritual eyes and heavenly perspective. There is a need for them to heed My voice. There is a need for My people to align their words with Mine and to decree My will for the nation. Now is the time like never before to pray and decree on the leading of My Spirit, and only on the leading of My Spirit. To pray not from a place of their own opinion or desire but in line with My plans.”


The need for a hedge of prayer and intercession –


“There are gaps in the wall as many have vacated their position of intercession for this nation. I have heard the prayers of My faithful remnant but I am calling for more to take up the call to pray in this critical hour. Now is the time to ensure the nation is fortified through a hedge of prayer and intercession. Just as in the lead up to the 2016 election multitudes from nations outside the USA stood in prayer and intercession for My purposes to come to pass, so too I am calling not just people in the US but those around the world to see the spiritual significance of this election and to stand to see the fullness of My plans unfold. Many are believing the lie of the enemy that they can take up the call to pray later, nearer to the election, but I am calling for My people to know the urgency of the hour and to take up the call now as the battle is raging and the more My people unite in prayer, the greater the shift will be seen.”


Prayer will bring forth a harvest –


“As people take up the call to pray, seeds will be sown that will bring a harvest in the nation of greater alignment with My heart and ways. All I have spoken with regard to the election will come to pass but the harvest that will be seen post the election is proportional to the prayers of My people. The harvest of greater alignment with My heart and ways is linked to the stand of My people. The degree to which the enemy’s plans will be pushed back and overturned is linked to the stand of My people.”


Vote in unity and every vote counts –


“My people in the USA, don’t believe the lie of the enemy that you don’t need to vote and your vote carries little weight. As My people vote in alignment with My plan for the nation they are not only voting in the natural but they are making a stand in the spirit against the agenda of the enemy. Every vote in alignment with My purposes is like a knife into the plan of the enemy. I am calling My army in the US to take action and make a stand through voting. The sound of My army arising and voting in unity with My purposes will release a spiritual trumpet blast; a blast that will shift the nation into the greater destiny I have planned for it. I am calling My people to vote in line with My plan for the nation. As they do great blessing will flow to the nation in the years to come as My people will have stepped out in obedience to My leading. My people prosper when they heed My message through My prophets. I am calling for a vote for who I am trumpeting in this election. My people will need to lay down their allegiances to political parties and instead vote in allegiance with Kingdom advancement. This will require a laying down of pride and opinion. My people need to look with spiritual eyes at who I am highlighting and vote in alignment with My direction. I will do much through the Trump administration in the years to come and My people need to vote in line with heaven’s endorsement.”


United stand, one nation under God –


“Just as the name of the nation is the ‘United’ States of America, I am calling for a united stand in prayer and intercession. Great power is seen when My people pray in one accord. Much has been sown in the past in prayer and intercession and great is the spiritual inheritance of this nation. A harvest will be seen on the seeds that have been sown and will be sown. The ground is being prepared for all I will bring forth in and through this nation in the time to come. I am rebuilding foundations and healing the heart of the nation. The enemy has tried to bring division but now is the time for My people to decree America is ‘one nation under God’. Division has torn at the heart of the nation but My healing is coming to the land to bring restoration. As My people align with 2 Chronicles 7:14 they will see healing and restoration come to their land for 2 Chronicles 7:14 is a supernatural key and promise that unlocks divine intervention but it comes on the back of action.


2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV) – If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.


Stand united against the plans of the enemy and call forth God’s destiny for the nation –


“The enemy will unleash the political spirit in great force in the nation in the days to come in the lead up to the election. My people will need to be discerning and to stand in their spiritual authority, knowing I have given them all power over the enemy. They will need to stand united against the schemes of the enemy. They will need to speak life and liberty over the nation and speak forth My words and My destiny for the nation. Their decrees will form a hedge of protection around the nation and the path to the election. Their prayers will also sprout a harvest well beyond the election as these prayers will bring forth the greater blessing and greater destiny that awaits the nation.”


Luke 10:19 (TPT) – Now you understand that I have imparted to you all my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this authority.


A pivotal time for the USA and the doorway to its greater destiny –


“I will make America great again through the rebuilding of foundations and the return to My truth and ways. I am calling My people to stand for their nation. I am calling them to a place of deep repentance and consecration; to a place of deeper humility and surrender. The USA is at a pivotal point in its history. I am unveiling darkness and that which needs to be brought into alignment with My heart, truth and ways. Those who stand for righteousness and justice are arising in these days. I am calling for My people to raise their voices in prayer, worship and decree to see the fullness of all I have planned for the nation come to pass at this time. Now is the hour for My warriors of light to arise. A doorway stands before the nation – a doorway to the greater destiny I have planned for the nation. The degree to which the door swings open (the fullness of the unfolding of My plans) hinges on the rise of My people in partnership with Me. The months in the lead up to the election form the pathway to the door. It is critical the pathway is prepared and made ready so the door may open with ease. The urgency of the hour to prepare the pathway is now for this will impact the harvest of that which awaits on the other side of the doorway.”



May we take up the call to stand with those in the United States at this pivotal time to see the fullness of God’s plans for the nation unfold and may we remain on our post throughout the race to the election and beyond.