A time of Restart and Relaunch is coming
I heard the Lord say, “My faithful remnant are preparing for the time of restart and relaunch that is coming. They have embraced the time of reset and have come into closer alignment with My heart, word and ways during this time.”
Relaunch from strengthened foundations –
“In the time of reset the foundations of many of My people have been strengthened and fortified and they will be relaunched from a position of greater strength, power and alignment. These ones pressed into Me in the time of reset. They allowed My Spirit to highlight areas that needed to be brought into submission to Me. Their humility and willingness to be molded by Me has allowed Me to position and prepare them for the restart that is coming. What the enemy meant for harm I have turned for good. Their foundation of faith and trust in Me has been strengthened in this time and they stand securely on the truth of My word and their knowledge of who I am as their foundation is one of intimacy with Me.”
Relaunch with renewed purpose and vision –
“Those who have embraced the time of reset will restart with renewed purpose and vision for they will be given divine keys of revelation on My strategies for them in this hour. They will step out with increased clarity and honed purpose as I release detailed information on the plans and purposes I have for them. The enemy has attempted to bring confusion and discouragement but as My people look to Me and the opposition against them breaks, they will receive wisdom and revelation of the path ahead. A time of renewed purpose is coming to My people as pieces of revelation are given to them on the unfolding of the next level of their destiny in Me.”
Relaunch with greater alignment –
“Those who embraced the reset will restart from a place of greater alignment with My word, heart and ways for in the time of shaking, I highlighted that which was not if Me and brought My people to a place of repentance and deeper surrender. These ones allowed Me to bring a recalibration to them through greater alignment with My heart, word and ways. They had eyes to see the time as one of preparation and purification for the great unveiling and relaunch that is to come.”
Relaunch with greater area of influence due to posture of the heart –
“I search the heart of My people and those who have cried out to Me from a heart position of Psalm 139:23-24 will see Me relaunch them with greater area of influence for Me as I can trust them to carry My message and truth with purity as they carry My heart and love. Their heart cry is to be closely aligned with Me and to walk to the beat of My heart and the rhythm of My Spirit. They desire to walk in My ways and many will encounter My heart and ways through them. Those who burn with love for Me will ignite the hearts of others as they are vessels through which others encounter power of My love.”
Psalm 139:23-24 (TPT) – God I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways – the path that brings me back to you.
Relaunch purified in the fire and sent out carrying the fire of God –
“Many are arising who have been purified in My fire and will be sent out carrying My fire. This is the era of the sending and in the time of relaunch I will send out My remnant with power and boldness, baptising them with My Spirit and fire. Those who embraced My refining in the time of reset are those who humbled themselves before Me, hungered for closer intimacy with Me and desired to be transformed in My presence. Those who desired to be pure vessels through which I can impact others will restart with a greater voice and influence for Me as they will steward the increase from a position of purity of heart. My fire is coming to purify and ignite My people and through these ones, regions will be set ablaze.”
Luke 3:16 (ESV) – John answered them all, saying, “I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Relaunch with greater spiritual sight of the battle –
“My faithful remnant know the hour and season and have ears positioned to hear My call to relaunch and advance. A great call to arms has resounded from heaven as My people take their place and prepare and position for the relaunch. A great spiritual battle is raging in this hour over the unfolding of the greater plans I have for individuals, families, ministries, regions and nations. Now is not the time to shrink back but to stand. Now is the time to speak forth My word and decrees on the leading of My Spirit. Now is the time to look at the battle with spiritual sight and to wage war with the full arsenal you have been given. My remnant will be relaunched with greater understanding of the significance of the hour and with greater spiritual sight and authority. The battle is shifting as My warriors of light arise and stand united.”
Relaunch will bring course corrections –
“The time of relaunch will see a course correction come to the lives of many as they partner with Me in faith, obedience and Spirit led prayer and intercession. I desire to bring a course correction not only to individuals but to regions and nations. This is the era of divine intervention and I am coming to overturn injustices and to bring restoration and recompense to My people as they rise up and partner with Me. The enemy has tried to bring delay, diversion and distortion of My plans and purposes but course corrections will be seen as My people speak and step on the leading of My Spirit. It will be important for My people to only say and do as the Spirit leads them.”
Relaunch united, as one –
“The relaunch will see My remnant unite in a greater way for they will arise and restart as a company of one voice, one heart and one purpose as they have their eyes fixed on Me. They have a variety of expressions as I have made each one unique but they will arise as one, in unity not competition, as they will carry My heart, message and vision. They will be a voice of truth, preparing the way. They will hold the vision of My plans and purposes and will partner with Me to see My will established. They will lead others to Me and will live to see My name glorified and My kingdom advance. They will relaunch from a place of greater unity as they understand the power of My body working together as one. They have servant and humble hearts and will be a light in the darkness. They will take up their kingdom assignments and lay down their own agendas, knowing the significance of the hour.”
Relaunch will highlight that which is genuine –
“In the time of reset that which is false, fake or distorted is being exposed and an invitation for submission, repentance and alignment has been extended to My people. In the time of restart, that which is real and genuine will be highlighted and exalted. The separated ones, My faithful remnant, who have been found ready, will walk in real love, displaying what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. Those who truly burn with love for Me will see Me open wide the path before them. Those who walk in humility and fear of the Lord will be raised up by My hand. I am extending a caution and invitation in this hour for those who are lukewarm to return to their first love and to come into alignment with My heart. I am also cautioning and inviting those who have distorted My word to come into alignment with My truth. I am exposing false and distorted doctrines and calling My people to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth. Now is the hour in which the raw and the real will arise – those who put My word into action, those who put their faith into action and are vessels through which the power of My love, truth and Spirit brings transformation to their sphere of influence.”
John 13:35 (ESV) – By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
Matthew 23:12 (ESV) – Whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Matthew 4:16 (ESV) – “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
John 16:13 (ESV) – When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are yet to come.
Allow the Lord to prepare and position you for the time of restart and relaunch that is ahead