Home Daughters Arise!

Daughters Arise!


Isaiah 60:1 (NASB) – Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.


The Lord is calling His sons and daughters to arise but particularly God spoke to me recently about interceding for His daughters to arise and I believe this is on His heart at this time. He wants His daughters to know their identity and to stand in that identity and know the importance of their destiny.


As I pressed into God to hear His heart on this I heard Him say, “Now is the hour for My daughters to arise. I am awakening My daughters to who they are and to the value of their destiny. I am equipping them with all they need. They will arise in power and authority and they will operate in love. I am overturning the schemes of the enemy that have tried to keep My daughters from walking in the plans I have for them. I am replacing their ashes for beauty and I am revealing My daughters as the treasure they are.”


The Lord showed me a vision of a woman brushing away ashes on the ground. I knew she was a daughter of the King of Kings. As the ashes were brushed away, a treasure box was revealed. This box was glorious and it was gold and radiant. It was so solid and heavy and I knew the box was of great value. Inside the box where many items including tools, weapons, a magnifying glass, a sword, a mirror and a breastplate.


In the vision the ashes meant worthlessness and insignificance (as is seen in Job 30:19 and Genesis 18:27). The Lord was replacing the way the daughter of the King saw herself. Instead of seeing herself and her destiny as insignificant the Lord was replacing that view with His view and showing her the ‘treasure’ she is and value of her destiny and her identity in Him. He was brushing and stripping away the lies of the enemy to reveal and expose her true identity and worth. God was bringing beauty from her ashes (Isaiah 61:3). The daughter of the King was seeing the beauty He had placed in her and she was overwhelmed by God’s love for her.


The items in the treasure box were given to the daughter of the King as she embraced and opened the box. These items equipped her for what she needed to fulfill the plan the Lord had for her. The mirror spoke of the change in the way she viewed herself. She was given perspective to see herself the way God sees her. The Lord was showing her that she is made in His image and is His masterpiece (Genesis 1:27, Ephesians 2:10). The tools represented the gifts of the Spirit she would need in order to complete the plan the Lord had for her. The Spirit was distributing spiritual gifts and the Lord was filling her afresh with His Spirit. The magnifying glass represented increased spiritual sight and discernment that the Lord was giving her at this time. Details, strategies and blueprints of her destiny were coming into clear focus. Also plans of the enemy were revealed to her with increased discernment. The weapons spoke of the spiritual weapons used to fight the enemy and included faith, prayer, the word of God, truth, righteousness, the name of Jesus, peace and salvation. The breastplate was needed in order for the daughter of the King to be reminded to guard her heart, for from the heart flows the springs of life (proverbs 4:23). The sword was an increased hunger for the word of God. The daughter of the King was taking up the sword of the Spirit and wielding it with such power and authority.


The Lord is calling His daughters to arise. They will arise with power and authority when they know their identity in Christ and they stand on that truth. Our true identity comes from our position as children of God. As children of God we inherit everything that Jesus has as we are co-heirs with Him. The idea of spiritual adoption is presented in John 1:12 (TPT) – But those who embraced him and took hold of his name were given authority to become the children of God! More than ever, now is the time to awaken to our position as co-heirs with Christ and to understand our true identity and authority as children of God.


These daughters of the King will be known for the love they show to others and their purity of heart as they will operate and minister in love. Love will be the fuel that drives them and will be the foundation of their ministry. Paul expressed that the church should have a desire for spiritual gifts, but it should foremost follow the pursuit of love – Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 14:1). Since the gifts of the Spirit are gifts of grace, they are to be used in love with a pure motive of love (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).


These daughters of the King will pursue their destiny with such single-mindedness and they will have great Kingdom impact. They will impact their area of influence in the name of Jesus for His glory. God is raising up those who are surrendered to Him, are obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit and use their gifts to glorify Jesus. He is raising up those who have been hidden in Him for this time. They are of all ages including children, are of various backgrounds and are from all of the nations.


As the daughters arise they are taking their position in the army God is raising up in these last days. These daughters will raise up many others to also take their place in God’s army. They are warriors as they are courageous and wage war against the enemy. They stand in boldness and operate in power as they know their identity and authority in Christ. They stand for truth and justice and impact others with the love of God. Faith filled women are arising and impacting their sphere of influence for the kingdom of God.


Daughters of the King – arise for now is your time! The Lord’s heart is for you to understand your worth, know your identity and authority in Him and to know the importance of your destiny. The Lord is calling you to brush back the ashes, open the treasure box before you and use the items in the box. Take up the Lord’s invitation to be part of His great plan on the earth at this strategic time in history. It will be a Holy Spirit adventure and one you don’t want to miss!