Home God’s heart is for transformation

God’s heart is for transformation


Transformation of individuals, families, regions and nations is something the Lord has repeatedly been speaking to me about and I believe He is sending a message out to the body of Christ. He is calling His people to awaken and partner with Him in the new move that is starting. His heart is for transformation of the nations and this will come as His people awaken to their identity and authority in Christ, are filled with His Spirit and impact others through the power of the Spirit and the love of God. People are answering the call and are arising all over the earth carrying the fire of God, impacting others and transforming regions. They are obedient to the leading of the Spirit and are positioned by God to advance His plans and overthrow the enemy. Past seasons have positioned and prepared them for this time. People of God are being drawn into His presence like never before – resting and waiting on the Lord; pursuing intimate time with Him and delighting in learning more of His character and ways. Those that will have faith to believe God will bring His purposes and promises to pass will partner with God to see His will established in the earth. The fire of God is spreading as people go out and impact others. A move of the Spirit and transformation of individuals, families, regions and nations go hand in hand. A harvest across nations will be seen as people of God go out with the fire!


Transformation through knowing your identity & operating in your authority


More and more people of God are awakening to their true identity and operating in their authority in Christ and all that is available to us as children of God and this is bringing transformation and great fruitfulness. The Lord wants to ensure we are strongly grounded as well as heart connected to the knowledge of who He is and who we are in Him. He wants you to find your true identity in your relationship and union with Him. Our true identity comes from our position as children of God. As children of God we inherit everything that Jesus has as we are co-heirs with Him. Our inheritance is not just eternal – it starts now. We have been delivered from death into glorious life. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ (Ephesians 2:6). Our seating and reigning with Christ is a position of authority and triumph. More than ever, now is the time to awaken to our position as co-heirs with Christ and to understand our true identity and authority as children of God. The Lord wants us to become mature children, and grow in our walk with Him, going deeper in the things of God.


We have been commissioned to impact our world in the name of Jesus for His glory. Jesus has given us authority to operate in His name. In Matthew 28:18-19 (TPT) we read Jesus came close to them and said, “All the authority of the universe has been given to me. Now go in my authority and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Jesus also said in Luke 10:19 (NASB) – “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.”


You are His solution in your life and in your sphere of influence. The enemy is terrified you will realise the authority that you have and your ability in Christ to shift things in the earth. Jesus gives His church or ekklesia keys which represent spiritual authority. These keys open or close spiritual doors. We also have keys to bind works and plans of the enemy and to loose or release the will of God. The Lord is calling people to step into their kingly role and extend His kingdom on the earth. The Lord is urging His people to use the keys they have been given. I see people being given strategic and detailed revelation from the Lord and then using this revelation to advance His plans and come against the schemes of the enemy. The Lord is also releasing an upgrade in authority to those who have faithfully stewarded that which they have been given and who are positioned and willing to be vessels for Him.


Matthew 16:19 (NASB) – I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.


Transformation through understanding the importance of your destiny


Everyone has a unique destiny in God and people across the earth are understanding the importance of walking in the fullness of the plans God has for them. We are to focus on Jesus and the path set before us. Our role is to be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit and follow the path the Lord has planned for us. We are invited to give ourselves fully to the task of following the course appointed to us. When we do this we will be walking in the purpose of God and we will find fulfillment. If we go off course, we ask for Jesus’ help and He is always there to lift us up and bring us back to where we need to be. God equips us with all we need to fulfil the destiny He has for us. The enemy uses fear, discouragement and distraction to stop us from walking in our destiny. Another tactic of the enemy is to make the people of God feel that they are not qualified to walk in the destiny the Lord has for them.


We are in a time of upgrades and acceleration. The Lord is releasing new assignments, new gifts and launching you into new levels. The Lord is revealing the next step in your destiny in Him and the strategies you need for advancement. He is igniting you for action. He is calling you to arise and walk in all He has prepared for you. This is the time to advance with boldness and know that the Lord is with you and will provide you with all you need.


Ephesians 2:10 (NASB) – For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.


Transformation through being filled with the Holy Spirit & using your spiritual gifts in power and love


The Lord is filling people with His Spirit and increasing the anointing on the lives of people so they may powerfully impact their area of influence for Him. Luke 3:16 tells us Jesus baptises with the Holy Spirit and with fire. The Word of God tells us that the kingdom realm of God comes with power (1 Corinthians 4:20). When we receive Jesus’ baptism we receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit that sets us apart to minister with His gifts in power. The anointing does not point to us, but to God who empowers us. We are anointed to transform our area of influence for the advancement of the kingdom and to bring glory to God.


I believe the Lord is calling His people to impact others using the model Paul used. The Lord is raising up many in this hour who will bring in the harvest and bring transformation through the power of the Spirit. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:4 (NASB) – My message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.


The Lord is calling His people to use the spiritual gifts they have been given. The spiritual gifts we are given relate to the calling on our lives. Paul expressed that the church should have a desire for spiritual gifts, but it should foremost follow the pursuit of love – Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 14:1). Since the gifts of the Spirit are gifts of grace, they must be used in love with a pure motive of love (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).


The Lord is igniting the hearts of His people. The Lord wants you to encounter His heart. God’s agents of transformation will be known for the love they show to others and their purity of heart as they will operate and minister in love. Love will be the fuel that drives them and will be the foundation of their ministry. The Lord is raising up those who have hearts that burn for Him.


Transformation of nations is birthed from intercession


The Lord has shown me the strong link between intercession for a nation and a move of His Spirit and transformation. The Lord is calling multitudes of people at this time to take their place as watchmen on the wall and intercede for nations He places on their hearts. He has shown me seeds of intercession that have been sown into nations, sometimes over hundreds of years, and the harvest that is coming as people stand and intercede for God’s will to be established in the nations. There is a call from heaven going out for people of God to partner with Him and intercede for the prophetic words that have been spoken over nations to be established.


In the bible God searched for those willing to fight the spiritual battle for their land. In Ezekiel 22:30 (NASB) God says, “I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land.” The Lord is still calling people to stand in the gap for their families, regions and nation.


Pioneers of fire are blazing the path of transformation


The Lord said pioneers of fire are arising. He went on to say – “They are blazing a trail for others to follow. It is a trail of the ‘new’ as they carry My presence and the new aroma and sound I am releasing. They will break the hard ground and take territory as they use the keys of authority they have been given. They will unlock many things about them. The road they will travel will not always be an easy one but as they trust in Me they will see I have prepared the path ahead of them. Many others will follow the path they are blazing and will benefit from the work they will do in forging and opening the path. They blaze a path for others as they carry My heart to see others advance. I will use them as a slingshot to catapult others forward. They will use the gifts they have been given in new ways; always with a heart of love and to bring glory to My name. Discernment will be needed in this season to know which open doors are from Me. The enemy will try to use distraction to keep My pioneers from the path I am sending them on.


Like Caleb and Joshua, My pioneers will have eyes to see with heavenly perspective and will have eyes to see what others can’t. They blaze the path ahead as they are ablaze with My love. Like David they are people after My own heart. As they are faithful to the path I have called them to I will release increased influence to them – those like Daniel are arising. My pioneers must guard their hearts and keep from jealousy, pride or competition. I have built perseverance, trust and endurance in them and I have removed the fear of man so they can be effective pioneering agents. They are sensitive to My Spirit and seek to draw close to Me. It is from this place they receive strength and joy for the path ahead as well as confidence in knowing I am with them and will equip them with all they need. My fire with fall on them afresh. My refining fire will prepare them and the fire of My Spirit will empower them. They are vessels prepared for such a time as this to bring transformation to their area of influence.”


Will you be an agent of transformation?


The Lord is calling you to be an agent of transformation. You can do this through partnering with Him in faith, obedience and prayer, awakening to your identity and inheritance, operating in your authority, stepping out in obedience to the Holy Spirit, using the gifts the Lord has given you and taking up the assignments the Lord has for you. Do not believe the lies of the enemy that you are not needed in this transformation