Home Reclaiming the ‘South Lands of the Holy Spirit’

Reclaiming the ‘South Lands of the Holy Spirit’

The Lord is preparing His people for a move of His Spirit in the nations He calls ‘the South Lands’ which include Australia, New Zealand and the Islands of the South Pacific such as Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, the Cook Islands and New Caledonia as well as others. I have had many encounters in the last few months where the Lord has shown me this is a significant time for these nations. The Lord is calling His people to prepare the way for He is coming with fire to heal and transform nations.


The Lord says, “I am reclaiming the South Lands. They will be known as the South Lands of My Spirit. No eye has seen and no ear has heard and no mind has imagined the things I have prepared for these lands. The foundations for the coming move of My Spirit and the release of My fire have been laid. I am shaking those things that can be shaken and removing those things that are not of Me. I am preparing the ground for harvest in these nations. My messengers have announced the time for this region. My intercessors are being called to take up their positions on the wall like never before to call forth My will in the nations. A harvest is coming for what has been sown. These nations are linked in the spirit as they are My South Lands. There will be a domino effect seen as My fire spreads through their lands. Those who have heavenly sight to see the new thing I am doing and those who allow My Spirit to move with freedom will be used. I am releasing revelation and understanding of the spiritual inheritance over these nations. My people are rising up and using their kingdom authority to call forth the destiny over these nations. I am connecting people across nations like never before. I am aligning those with the same vision and mandate for the South Lands.


I am stirring the waters of the South Pacific, over the South Lands of My Spirit. These nations will rise up and lead the charge. It is a charge to bring forth My plan and establish My will in these days. You will see My people from these nations who have been hidden in Me rise up for such a time as this. I am using the ‘no names’, the ones not well known to the world but they are known to Me as I call them friends. They are surrendered to Me and obedient to the leading of My Spirit. I am connecting My people, even across nations, for assignments I am releasing at this time. They have the same mandate from Me and much will be accomplished for My kingdom as they co-labour together and use their gifts in harmony. I am releasing greater heavenly sight and perspective to many at this time as this is the hour I am revealing the next step in My plans for individuals, regions and nations. Many will grow in their understanding of the spiritual heritage and inheritance over these nations and My intercessors will call forth the destiny over these nations of the South Lands.


I am breathing over the waters of the South Pacific and this is causing a whirlwind to form in the spirit around these nations. This whirlwind will increase in intensity as My people pray in line with revelation they have received and words I have spoken over these nations. It is not a time to sit back but a time for My people to stand up and be counted. The fire of My Spirit will be seen across these lands as My people step into the next assignment I have for them and partner with Me.”


The Lord then gave me a vision of golden cords connecting the nations of Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific and He highlighted the verse from Isaiah 60:1 to me and I knew this verse related to the nations of the region of South Lands of the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 60:1 (NASB) – Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.


The Lord sees the nations of Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific as the South Lands of the Holy Spirit. It is not just Australia, but the whole region that holds that name and these nations are connected in the spirit. This is a significant time for these nations. The Lord has an assignment for this whole region and His fire will spread through these nations. These nations as a region have a spiritual destiny as the South Lands of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is calling the body of Christ to prepare the way and get ready for a move of His Spirit that is coming. The angels have already announced a shift in the spirit and the Lord is calling His intercessors to pray and His people to prepare. The Lord is calling His people in these nations to arise and shine and step into their destiny.


In 1606 the Portugese navigator Pedro Fernandez De Quiros, exploring the region of the South Pacific with the intention of finding the large, unexplored continent in the southern hemisphere, landed at Vanuatu and declared the whole southern land region, as far as the south pole to be ‘La Austrialia del Espiritu Santo’ – a south land dedicated to the Holy Spirit. He thought he had landed on the large land mass in the southern hemisphere yet to be discovered which is now Australia however he actually landed on what is now Vanuatu. He declared the whole southern region as far as the South Pole to be the ‘South Land of the Holy Spirit’. In fact de Quiros’s actual proclamation was as follows: “Let the heavens, the earth, the waters with all their creatures and all those present witness that I, Captain Pedro Fernandez de Quiros…..in the name of Jesus Christ …… hoist this emblem of the Holy Cross on which His (Jesus Christ’s) person was crucified and whereon He gave His life for the ransom and remedy of all the human race…. on this Day of Pentecost, 14 May 1606….. I, take possession of all this part of the South as far as the pole in the name of Jesus….which from now on shall be called the Southern land of the Holy Ghost.” De Quiros’s declaration was that the whole region was the South Land of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is highlighting this important point – that the region of Australia, New Zealand, and the nations of the South Pacific have the name of the South Lands of the Holy Spirit and the same spiritual inheritance in this regard. The Lord showed me that as De Quiros made that declaration in the spirit, it was released in a radius out in all directions from Vanuatu and the whole region was declared the Southern Land/s of the Holy Spirit.


My prayer is that the people of God in the South Lands of the Holy Spirit will awaken to the significant time we are in and they will seek the Lord on what their individual role is in preparing the way for the move of God that is coming to these nations. Let us continue to intercede for the nations of the South Lands. May we align with God’s plan and establish His will for this region.