Home The rise of warriors of worship and a call back to true worship

The rise of warriors of worship and a call back to true worship

I heard the Lord say, “I am awakening My people to not only the power of intercession but also the power of praise and worship, for this is a weapon of warfare. Much seed has been sown in intercession and I’m calling more intercessors to be added to the wall at this time, but I’m also calling forth the warriors of worship.”


“Now is the time to advance and take territory in the spirit. This is not just done in intercession, but in worship. I am raising up and calling out those that will lead My army in worship as a form of intercession and prophetic declaration. These ones have hearts like David that seek Me and deeper intimacy. They boldly and unashamedly dance before Me and they worship Me in Spirit and in truth.”


“It is indeed a time for the destiny of nations to be reclaimed. I am awakening My people to the full arsenal of weapons they carry for the whole arsenal is needed in order to be most effective. I am highlighting worship at this time for it has been overlooked as the powerful weapon it is, for it opens the doorway for Me to move and encounter My people.”


“It is not just for regions and nations but for individuals as I am calling My people back to pure worship, for then they will encounter My glory. I am calling forth My army of worshippers who seek My presence. They are not concerned by the opinion of man and are not conformed to the structures and ways of man.”


“I am raising up My worship warriors who know that worship is a form of intercession and they will be part of the front line as My army advances and takes territory for My kingdom. As these ones seek My presence they will be given heavenly songs that will carry an anointing to break chains and shift the spirit realm.”


“I am shaking the structures and ways of man that have infiltrated My church and I’m calling My people back to pure worship. I am looking for leaders that have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts willing to surrender to My ways. Those willing to allow worship to be led by My Spirit. Those that embrace this will see My presence and power in their midst.”


“There is indeed a battle over families, ministries, regions and nations and now is the time to rise up in intercession and worship. It is not a time to take up only some of your weapons but all of them. See the divine purpose and power of true worship. Watch My worship warriors arise and hear the battle songs they release. Healing, awakening and victory will be seen on the wake of their sound.”


The Lord then gave me a vision of multiple streams or kinds of worship warriors arising. I saw prophetic songs, prophetic declarations, prophetic art and prophetic dance all arising. All the streams were working together and all were needed. Each was a form of intercession and each were used in advancing the army and taking territory. Each stream of worship also led God’s people into His presence. The people of God were encountering the Lord in such a deep and personal way and they were transformed by His presence. In each of these streams I noticed there were worshipers of all ages, from children to elderly. The Lord is calling His church to equip, raise up and release all forms of worship warriors in this hour.



Hebrews 12:28-29 (ESV) – Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.


John 4:23-24 (ESV) – But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.


Psalm 29:2 (ESV) – Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness.


Warriors of worship arise and take your place! May the body of Christ realise the power of worship, come back to a place of pure worship and equip and release warriors of worship in this hour.