Home A time of Sifting and Separation in the shift to bring Strength and Sight for the new

A time of Sifting and Separation in the shift to bring Strength and Sight for the new

At this significant time of transition and shifting into the new chapter in their destiny, the Lord is sifting and shaking many of His people in order to bring alignment and strengthen them for what lies ahead. In this process they will be given heavenly sight to see what has held them back, what needs to be surrendered afresh and to see more clearly all that the Lord is calling them to steward. This will enable them to run with greater purpose, faith and endurance on the path ahead.


Sifting and Shaking in the Shift –


I heard the Lord say, “Many are crying out for Me to launch them into the next chapter in their destiny but they don’t realise that in order to walk in the next chapter there needs to be a shaking in order to remove that which will hinder their advancement. There needs to be a removal of that which will hold them back and that which the enemy will use against them in the time ahead. The answer to the prayer of many of those crying out for the unfolding of the next chapter in their destiny is a time of shaking and sifting for the shaking and sifting is in fact the beginning of the chapter.”


“It is in the shaking and sifting that those things not in alignment with My word, heart and ways are exposed. As My light exposes those areas and My people surrender them to Me, alignment, freedom and release into the new comes. I am shining the light not only on incorrect ways and mindsets but also heart motives. I am exposing areas of the heart that need to be surrendered for out of the heart flows the springs of life. I am going to do heart surgery on My people for this will bring much freedom. If My people humble themselves and surrender to My leading, they will see healing and freedom come. It is not My desire for My people to bypass the sifting and shaking but to embrace it and move through it, transformed and prepared to steward all I wish to entrust to them. I am leading many into a higher level of their destiny and the sifting and shaking is the first part of this chapter. Assignments of greater impact and significance will be released on the back of the sifting for through the sifting they will be prepared to steward what I have for them.”


Proverbs 4:23 (ESV) – Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV) – If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Psalm 25:9 (ESV) – He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.


Separation in the Shift –


As the next chapter in their destiny is unfolding for many of God’s people, I saw that many had an intense desire to press in to God at this time and seek Him, to know the direction and strategy He had for them to walk in, knowing it is critical to hear the strategy and step according to the leading of the Spirit. These ones are already in close fellowship with the Lord but they had an even heightened need to just be in the presence of the Lord to seek His direction in this time.


I heard the Lord say, “I am separating out the separated ones. There is a deep desire and hunger in the hearts of many to seek Me. In this time of separation I am revealing much about the new way I am calling them to walk in this new chapter. I am calling them to a new strategy. I am revealing My plan for advancement at this time. The plan comes not just with strategy for steps they are to take but guidelines for a closer walk with Me. For some there will be a call to greater purity of living. For others it will be a call to deeper study of My word and time separated out with Me. For others it will be a change in ministry flow and the way things have been done in the past. Each strategy is unique to each one for each destiny is unique. The deep desire to spend time in My presence has been placed there by Me as receiving the divine strategy is the key to advancement and fruitfulness on the path ahead.”


James 4:8 (ESV) – Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV) – Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.


Time at hand –


The Lord then said, “A time of great sifting and shaking is upon the earth and will increase in the time ahead. This is not just in the earth but in My church for I am exposing mixture, impurity and all that is not in alignment with My word and My ways. The shift to the new era has arrived but many do not know or see the change in time. They are living in the old. The shaking and sifting will cause some to see and be part of the remnant arising that will partner with Me to see My plans unfold and My kingdom advance.”


Strengthening –


I heard the Lord then say, “The time of sifting will cause realignment, recalibration and a course correction for many. For all it will bring a strengthening for what lies ahead. It will bring a strengthening of purpose, faith and endurance to walk the path I am calling them to. It will be the door that leads to the opening of all I will release to them. The sifting and shaking strengthens as it is in the sifting process that things not of Me are broken away and the foundation is then made more secure. On that sure foundation I can then build and bring increase and advancement.”


In Luke 22:31-32 we read that Jesus told Peter Satan demanded to sift Peter like wheat. Jesus says that He prayed that Peter’s faith would not fail during the sifting process and He also said when Peter had gone through the sifting, He prayed he would strengthen others. The sifting process Peter went through exposed areas that needed to be surrendered in a deeper way and areas that needed alignment. This process strengthened him and his faith. Peter went on to build the church and strengthen many others in their faith.


Luke 22:31-32 (ESV) – “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”


The Lord is bringing a shaking to expose and remove things that are not of Him and to develop our faith and character. Hold onto the truth that you will come forth as gold and will be ready to step into the next level the Lord has for you to steward in this new chapter of your destiny.


Job 23:10 (ESV) – But He knows the way that I take; when He has tried me, I shall come out as gold.


Sight for the new –


Not only is the time of sifting bringing strengthening to steward what is ahead, it is also causing people to have heavenly sight to clearly see what has hindered them and to see the strategy for advancement and the new chapter the Lord is opening to them.


I heard the Lord say, “Through the sifting, shaking and separation I am releasing great spiritual sight. I am exposing the chains that have hindered My people and I am releasing the strategy on how to see these chains broken off their lives but they must embrace My strategy. The strategy will require them to humble themselves and be obedient to My leading. I will also show them the authority and the spiritual weapons available to them. As the chains break and blockages are removed they will walk in new levels of freedom and authority in the time ahead.”


“I am also releasing sight for the new chapter I am unfolding to them. As they draw near to Me they will see how I am working in their circumstances and turning things for their good. I will also release revelation on the assignments I have for them to steward in the days ahead and the preparation needed for these assignments. A time of great change is at hand for My people and vision is critical in ensuring alignment with My plans. It is not only revelation of the new chapter for individuals that I am releasing, but also the new chapter in the plans I have for regions and nations for great change is at hand not only for individuals but for regions and nations.”


I then had a vision of the Lord revealing pages out of heavenly books to His people. He was giving them revelation on the plans He had for them in the time ahead. I also saw angels deliver heavenly books over regions and nations to His prophets. I saw the Lord was releasing revelation on His plan for regions and nations as it was His desire for His people to know the destiny of these regions and partner with God’s plan to see His will established.



May you embrace the sifting and shaking and the call to separate and seek the Lord. Through this you will be strengthened and given heavenly sight. You will see what needs to be surrendered and you will be given the strategy for advancement. The Lord will then be able to entrust you with greater kingdom assignments in this new chapter of your destiny and you will walk in a new level of freedom.