Home Year and Era of Divine Intervention, Justice and Destiny

Year and Era of Divine Intervention, Justice and Destiny

2020 and the years to come are the era in which we will see the Lord intervene In our lives, families, regions and nations as the justice of God is seen in an even greater way and there is acceleration of the unfolding of God’s plans in the earth. It will be a time of fulfillment of long awaited prophetic promises and many will step into significant kingdom assignments and the next level of their destiny in God. The invitation to partner with the Lord in all He will bring forth on the earth is the greatest gift and the most significant key available to us. It is an invitation as the Lord will use those who are surrendered to Him and committed to advancing His kingdom and agenda. It is a key as partnership with God unlocks destiny and brings advancement.




I heard the Lord say, “My people will see this year and the years to come as a time of divine intervention for they will see My hand at work to bring breakthrough, course corrections and advancement. This is the time for fulfillment of prophetic promises for the era of fulfillment comes on the wake of divine intervention.”


“I have seen the perseverance and stand of faith of My faithful ones and I have heard their prayers. Now is the hour they will see Me step in and move on their behalf. A divine turnaround is coming and what the enemy meant for harm I will turn for good. Romans 8:28 will be highlighted like never before and even the secular world will be forced to acknowledge the miraculous way in which I intervene in the lives of My people and in regions where My people have stood in prayer and intercession. The media will report of miracles and supernatural events that bring transformation to individuals and regions.”


Romans 8:28 (ESV) – And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.


“Not only will I intervene in the lives of individuals but in regions and nations in order to see My plans and purposes come to pass. Breakthrough will be seen in regions and nations as My people continue to pray and intercede. Course corrections are coming to nations as My people heed My word through My prophets and stand to see My word come to pass. I am going to release detailed directions for nations to My prophets in this hour. The words I give them will awaken regions and nations to the truth, the hour, and what is needed to bring alignment with My heart, word, ways and plan. Those that heed these words and partner with them will walk in My blessing. I am cautioning My people to take heed of the message, direction and warning released through My prophets, those with pure hearts and kingdom mindsets.”


Proverbs 29:18 (TPT) – When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray. But when you follow the revelation of the Word, heaven’s bliss fills your soul.




“This is the era of rapid advancement of the destiny of My people and it will come through divine doors that I open, and through the partnership of My people in faith and obedience to My leading. In this time of unlocking and unfolding the next level of the destiny I have for My people, as well as for regions and nations, many will see great change in the time ahead. Many will step into the destiny they were born to fulfill, including those of all ages. My faithful ones of all generations will see Me release them into greater kingdom assignments as I launch them into the next level of their destiny in Me.”


1 Corinthians 2:9 (ESV) – But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”




“It is an era of divine turnaround for it is an era where My justice will be clearly seen. As My justice is poured out, injustices are overturned, chains are broken, breakthrough is seen and recompense flows. I will expose hidden agendas that are not in line with My heart and My ways and I will expose injustices like never before. I am righting the scales and My justice will be seen. Will I not bring about justice for those who cry out to Me day and night? This is the era for divine intervention and intervention will come on the release of My justice.”


Luke 18:7-8 (ESV) – And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily.

Psalm 89:14 (ESV) – Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.




“This truly is the era of greater partnership and the invitation to greater partnership stands before each of My people. It is an invitation to partner in prayer, faith and obedience. It is an invitation to greater consecration and surrender to Me. The call is of ongoing, continual partnership. It is not just for times that are convenient or without cost, but at all times, following the leading of My Spirit. I am looking for those who walk in step with My Spirit and walk in partnership with Me. Many times My intervention will be due to the partnership of My people.”


Galatians 5:25 (ESV) – If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.