2021 – the Platform Year on which future years will be built
As I was praying into 2021 I saw a vision of bricks and the Lord was beginning to lay the bricks into perfect position as He began to use these bricks to build. As I looked closer I could see the centre brick on the foundation layer had the numbers 2021 written on it and I knew the Lord was highlighting this year as being a foundation or platform onto which future years would be built. What the people of God see the Lord build and rebuild in their lives, families and ministries this year will be expanded and further built on in future years. This is a strategic year as it a platform for the plans the Lord will further unfold in years to come. For this reason it is important to seek the Lord, the master builder, for His blueprints to ensure we are building in alignment with His plans.
Rebuilding and Building –
I heard the Lord say, “2021 will be a year of rebuilding and building for many. The shaking of 2020 brought much exposure of that which was not of Me and that which needed to be brought into closer alignment with My heart, word and ways. Those who embraced this process saw those things not of Me fall away so that a solid foundation remained onto which rebuilding in alignment with Me could occur. Now is the time for the rebuilding and strengthening of solid foundations in the lives of My people. Onto this foundation I will build My plans and purposes and this building will increase and expand in the years to come. 2021 will be the platform year onto which other years will be built.
This rebuilding and building will be seen across many spheres in the lives of My people that stay submitted to Me and the work of My hand. Rebuilding and building will be seen in kingdom assignments, ministries, relationships and families. Many will see Me build and breathe life into things that are currently even in ashes. Nothing is out of reach for My hand and nothing is impossible for Me. Many will see Me bring beauty from ashes and weave together a masterpiece from ruins.
Luke 1:37 (TPT) – Not one promise from God is empty of power, for nothing is impossible with God!
Assignments that were paused will be restarted from a position of closer alignment with My purposes as My people surrender to the work of My hand in their lives. I will restore and breathe life on dreams and callings that the enemy diverted or derailed. Where there has been stagnation of the greater destiny I have for My people, they will see hindrances and blockages go and advancement come as they surrender afresh to Me and take up the divine strategy I release to them by My Spirit.”
Build to the Master’s Plan –
“There is a caution to build to My plan as I am the master builder. Psalm 127:1 is a significant message for this time. Those who walk in wisdom build on the leading of My Spirit for unless I build the house, little fruit will come from the build, but as My hand is seen in the building, so too will fruitfulness, increase and advancement come.
Psalm 127:1 (ESV) – Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain
As you build to My master plan, you build with purpose and intentionality. To do this it is important to have vision of My plan. The blueprints and vision of all I am asking My people to build, and the details on how they are to build is critical and will be released in stages as the next phase of the build unfolds. As they obediently complete one phase the next will open to them. As 2021 is the platform year of the build, it is important for My people to seek Me in this time. Many are being drawn to spend time in My presence at this time for it is critical to receive My plans for the build. It will also be important for My people to trust in My timing this year, knowing I am faithful.
Stay in the place of resting in Me. Don’t strive for then you will build outside of My timing and plan, but trust I am making a way and move only on My leading.”
Caution to not stop part way –
“Just as there are stages in building a house, so too there will be stages in the build and rebuild I do in the lives of My people and in families and ministries this year and in the coming years. The enemy will try to stop My people from pressing on and allowing Me to complete the fullness of the build. He will try to stop My people from pressing in to receive the blueprints of the next stage of building as they complete the previous stage. In this platform year, it will be important for My people to lay the platform and then press in for the plans of the next stage I desire to build. Those who do this will find they build to My timing and design and much reward will come to them.”
Restoration in the Build –
“What I build from the platform established this year will be so much greater and more beautiful than My people can imagine as I am in the process of restoration. For those who are in a position of rebuilding from ashes or ruins, or building from a place of realignment, they will see what is built by My hand brings restoration far above what was originally seen. There will be beauty and precision in the build when it is built by My hand. Watch Me bring healing and restoration to many as I rebuild and restore what was broken and make it whole, radiating with hope and joy. Don’t look to the ashes but stand in faith for all I will bring to life from the ashes and look in faith to the turning that will come. When I rebuild, I rebuild with double recompense for all that was stolen by the enemy. When I rebuild I restore in greater measure. What I weave together in the build will have the mark of Romans 8:28 for I will use what the enemy meant for evil in the past season and use it as a building block for all I am doing in this time.
Isaiah 61:7 (ESV) – Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy.
Zechariah 9:12 (ESV) – Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double.
Romans 8:28 (TPT) – So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.
Break Out Build –
“Many will describe this as their ‘break out’ year for what is built will bring break out into new areas and will bring breakthrough to areas of long standing struggle and baroness. What is built will have the breath of life behind it and will be built on the leading of the Spirit and the guiding of My hand. What I build in the lives of My people will restore them on the path I have for them and will bring greater liberty, purpose and fulfillment. Boldness to step on the direction of My Spirit and to only step on My direction will be needed in order to see the fullness of the break out build I desire to bring.”
Zechariah 4:6 (ESV) – Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.
Character Build –
“In this platform year, the foundation is a building of character. In all things I look at the heart and this is the platform from which all else flows. This is the hour I am building the character of My people so they will be able to carry all I build and extend to them in the years to come. This is the year of character and those who allow Me to continually work in them, mold them and refine them will see Me entrust much to them and extend much to them.
This is a time of building faith, endurance and trust in Me and My word. It is a time where character will be highlighted and those who walk in humility and seek righteousness will be promoted and rewarded for character is shaped and built from a place of humility and surrender. I will unfold My plans in a more accelerated way in the time ahead. Those who are truly submitted to Me and desire to build character will see Me build much around them as they see the importance of a heart aligned with Mine and character that displays the fruit of the Spirit. Those who desire to build character are those who seek Me, have a desire to walk in My ways, walk in the fear of the Lord and have a desire to be transformed more and more into My likeness so that others may encounter Me through them.”
Matthew 23:12 (ESV) – Whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
James 4:8 (TPT) – Move your heart closer and closer to God, and he will come even closer to you.
2 Corinthians 3:18 (TPT) – We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another.
Building as One –
“The year 2020 saw the enemy try to bring division but the platform I am laying this year in My body is one built from a place of unity. I have separated out My separated ones, My faithful remnant. My faithful remnant will unite with one heart and mind as they are aligned with My heart and stand on the truth of My word. They are united with one purpose and vision which is to see My will established on the earth and to partner with Me to see My plans unfold. They rest and trust in My timing. They will arise with one sound which is the sound of heaven and one voice which is the voice of truth. They will stand united in prayer for there is great power in their agreement and united stand. This year I will highlight like never before the need for My people to work together as all parts of the body are needed and all have a vital function. I am building My house but it must be built to My plan and by My Spirit.”
Romans 12:4-5 (TPT) – In the human body there are many parts and organs, each with a unique function. And so it is in the body of Christ. For though we are many, we’ve all been mingled into one body in Christ. This means that we are all vitally joined to one another, with each contributing to the others.